Chapter 420 - Chapter 420 Next Time I’ll Correct It, Definitely Next Time 1

Chapter 420 Next Time I’ll Correct It, Definitely Next Time 1

Translator: 549690339 |

Jiang Xu was quite busy on weekdays, with many matters to attend to.

So tonight, An Nuonuo was very considerate of Jiang Xu. She let him lie there and rest, taking the initiative herself.

Her long, jet-black, soft and shiny hair flowed like waves, undulating continuously.

Jiang Xu was holding his phone, replying to some messages.

Especially their parents, who were certainly the first to be informed.

Then Jiang Xu looked at An Nuonuo, and couldn’t help but think of some things.

He remembered the first car he bought had no automatic driving feature. But as he drove more often, the behaviors were cultivated inadvertently. And, along with the continuous improvement of his driving skills, he kept learning and watching various driving videos.

Now, his exclusive car had also been equipped with automatic driving. However, this automatic driving couldn’t fully comprehend Jiang Xu’s intentions just yet, and occasionally required some intervention.

But this was already very satisfying and surprising for Jiang Xu.

After all, his car did not have a particular interest in automatic driving.

Jiang Xu’s phone suddenly rang, startling An Nuonuo, who was busy at work, making her instinctively stop.

Jiang Xu said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s my mom, continue.”

An Nuonuo, with a blushing face, said, “No, wait until you finish the call.” “Alright then,” Jiang Xu agreed.

But the next second, he exerted force around his waist.

An Nuonuo:”!!!”

Jiang Xu pressed the answer button: “Hello, Mother, good evening.” An Nuonuo covered her mouth with both hands, struggling to hold back. “Hahaha,” Chen Yue’s unmistakably excited voice came through: “Son, have you successfully proposed to Nuonuo?”

Jiang Xu smiled, “Yes, Mom, you and Dad hurry back to Jiang City.

Then find a master to select an auspicious date, and we’ll go to Nuonuo’s family to present the betrothal gifts.”

Chen Yue: “Okay, okay, your father and I will take a flight back tomorrow.” Jiang Xu raised an eyebrow, looked at An Nuonuo, and playfully played the villain: “Do you want to say a few words to Nuonuo?”

An Nuonuo, horrified, widened her eyes and shook her head frantically at Jiang Xu.

Her eyes were full of pleading.

She was in no state to talk right now.

If she tried to speak, she’d give herself away.

That would mean losing face in front of her future mother-in-law.

“It’s okay, she’s probably busy right now, we’ll talk next time,” said Chen Yue understandingly.

“Alright, next time then.”

After ending the call, Jiang Xu laughed heartily: “My mom definitely guessed what we’re up to.”

“Wuu wuu wuu, you’re bad, I’m going to pinch you.”

An Nuonuo’s face was already quite red, and Jiang Xu’s teasing made her look as if she might steam up any moment.

At that moment, Jiang Xu’s phone rang again.

It was Zhou Qingyue calling.

An Nuonuo had to cover her mouth with both hands again.

Jiang Xu hesitated for a moment before deciding to answer, turning on the speakerphone: “What’s up?”

After a few seconds of silence on the other end, Zhou Qingyue’s slightly hoarse voice came through: “I heard you proposed to Nuonuo, did it go well?” Jiang Xu: “You’re well-informed, it did go well, and she’ll be your boss from now on.”

He said this to tease her.

Zhou Qingyue did not know if she understood the implication.

The silence lasted slightly longer this time before she replied, “Then that’s wonderful, congratulations to you both for finding happiness. When do you plan to get married?”

Jiang Xu: “Not so soon, maybe in our junior or senior year.”

Upon hearing this answer, Zhou Qingyue instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

That still left more than a year’s time.

Maybe they wouldn’t even make it to the wedding before some accident happened and they broke up directly.

When it comes to the “Spirit of Ah Q,” Zhou Qingyue could be considered a grandmaster.

Jiang Xu glanced at An Nuonuo and said, “Do you have anything else? If not, let’s not talk now; I’m busy.”

If this continued, Jiang Xu really feared that An Nuonuo would develop some illness from holding everything in.

-Don’t you care that I might get hurt?” Zhou Qingyue asked in a low voice, “And what about Jiang Xiaoyan, have you thought about her feelings?

I do have a perfect solution, do you want to know what it is?”

Jiang Xu’s curiosity was piqued: “Let’s hear it.”

Zhou Qingyue: “Nuonuo as the wife, I’ll be the mistress, and Jiang Xiaoyan can guard the door. Perfect.”

Jiang Xu: “Idiot.”

He hung up the phone immediately and then turned his cell phone off.

We’ll talk about whatever it is later.

After that, Jiang Xu exploded.

He transformed into a Super Saiyan, his power surged, ready to face the ultimate enemy.

An Nuonuo: (a’o0®).

Zhou Qingyue stared dully at the busy tone on her phone and let out a bitter smile.

She silently got up and opened a bottle of red wine.

Then she blew straight into the bottle.

A bottle of red wine was gone in minutes, and then she opened another.

Right now, what she wanted most was to get completely drunk and forget all the pain.

Before she knew it, her head started spinning, and she could barely stand.

It’s well known that, whether men or women, if they don’t fall asleep immediately after drinking a lot, they’ll start to get really in the mood.

And that’s exactly how Zhou Qingyue felt now.

She stumbled into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

There wasn’t much food inside.

A few ears of corn, one eggplant.

She reached out to grab one.

But then she pulled back halfway, biting her lip: “No… I can’t… I’m saving it for

Jiang Xu, wuwuwu… I’m feeling so bad, somebody save me.”

She crouched on the floor, sobbing with her head in her arms.

Jiang Xiaoyan returned home feeling just as irritable, with an urge to destroy the whole world.

But unlike Zhou Qingyue, she didn’t choose to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

Instead, she turned on her computer and started typing furiously on the keyboard, a crazy look in her eyes.

She kept muttering ‘Die for me, die for me’ under her breath!

An hour later, Jiang Xiaoyan was done.

She leaned back in her chair and looked at the streams of code on the computer

screen, letting out a cold laugh: “That feels good.”

At the same time, the networks of dozens of countries around the world suddenly came under attack by an unknown hacker.

Causing a lot of websites to go down.

Yet technical experts from those countries couldn’t pinpoint the source at all.

But Jiang Xiaoyan was still somewhat sensible, choosing targets that were not friendly to her own country.

She vented her emotions and even got a little revenge.

Jiang Xu was completely unaware of these events.

He and An Nuonuo studied until past four in the morning before they fell asleep.

Last night was so much fun, that the agreement they had signed was completely abandoned.

It was after noon, around twelve, when Jiang Xu woke up first.

The first thing he felt was pain.

Everything hurt, and it felt like his bones were about to fall apart.

“Hiss,” Jiang Xu winced in pain: “I can’t indulge in staying up late just because I’m young, I must kick this bad habit.

Yes, I can definitely kick it before I turn forty.”