Chapter 683 Miss Death

Chapter 683 Miss Death?

After a few days, Vicente's group entered Aldoria City, a magnificent city larger than Grandis, where one could find many shopping opportunities for their cultivation and training.

There were even opportunities for 5th-stage blacksmiths, something that was hard to come by even in the northern states of the continent.

Professionals of such a tier were extremely rare on the continent. For each profession, there were only a few dozen 5th-stage experts, very few considering the size of this huge territory and the population there.

As for 6th-stage professionals, if they existed at all, they were so few that they could be counted on the fingers of one's hand. As a result, when looking for study materials, the hardest thing to find was the material for the 5th stage.

As for the 6th stage, you had to be a disciple or have a great relationship with the master to reach it. It was impossible to learn about the 6th stage from books or scrolls because they didn't exist or were lost all over the vast world. New n0vel chapters are published on

However, as soon as the group entered this magnificent city, they felt a sense of relief after traveling for weeks. No matter how strong they were, their lives were always in danger when they traveled.

Entering a human domain was very nice after traveling non-stop in places like this for so long!

Hell, even the stench of the cities made the group feel good as they entered this place this early afternoon!

However, although this place was great and had many opportunities, it wasn't the best.

"It looks like the city's a little gloomy today," Rory commented as he watched the expressions of the people on the streets. He noticed those who weren't working were walking quickly and avoiding the streets.

"I don't think the local Paragons are here anymore," Lina said, making the group look at her with interest.

Everyone there already knew about Lina's special power, the Premonitory Intuition. It allowed her to foresee things yet to come and see the present differently.

"The Purification?" Layla asked.

"That must be it," Vicente stated as he understood what could be behind the bad mood of the locals.

What if all the Paragons in this place had died? In such a situation, all the powers would change their positions, and even the population would stop behaving normally!

"I can see that. It's a shame." Vicente sighed. "I imagine the elders of this association have also left with the king."

"Yes, unfortunately. That's why we fear this scenario even more." The blonde stated. Her elders would only stop sending messages if the worst happened.

She added. "The remaining blacksmiths in the city are trying to communicate with the association's headquarters, but so far, no one has gotten any results. I fear that not only the elders of our rank have disappeared."

"Times are changing, unfortunately," Vicente remarked to her before another person brought him the books and parchments he had requested.

Meanwhile, Torne commented to him. 'It is very likely that all the Paragons and Archmages of the magical race will be killed soon, master. There are many 4th stage vampires on the continent, but there are very few Paragons. As far as I know, there shouldn't be any Archmages in such a race.

If they succeeded in their plans to create the first Archmage of their race, the first thing they would do would be to eliminate all the 5th and 6th stage experts of the continent.

Once most of these experts were killed, it would only be a matter of time before the 4th stage vampires would carry out their plans to dominate your race.'

'I can imagine. Fortunately, I'm still only a Sovereign. Otherwise, we'd be in their sights as well.' Vicente thought about the great opportunity he had because he wasn't a Paragon yet.

He then thanked the people of the association before heading out to buy some supplies in the center of the city.

But as he walked to the next shop, Torne suddenly pointed out the aura of someone they knew.

But Vicente didn't have time to react when Miss Death's feminine voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Vicente Fuller." Miss Death said in a soft but happy tone. "Do you remember what I told you the last time we met?"

Vicente turned to see the woman, dressed in black and covered with a veil, accompanied by four men.

All of them, including Miss Death, were Sky Sovereigns!

"Miss Death..." He muttered, remembering how she had given him an ultimatum the last time they met.