Chapter 708 Fighting Superior Vampires

Chapter 708 Fighting Superior Vampires?

A week's journey ahead...",

The group was now standing next to a large lake, a green area surrounded by trees as tall as buildings.

On one shore of the lake, about 8 kilometers in radius, Vicente and his people were in a makeshift camp, where some of them meditated and others monitored their surroundings.

The group was in its original formation, with no casualties, despite the various battles they'd had over the past week. In those battles, they had encountered inferior vampires, fighting like they had never fought before on their journey.

They had encountered no Mid-level or High-level Paragons yet, but they had had at least two battles that were even more dangerous to the group's integrity than the confrontation with the 5th-stage Sacred Devotee they had encountered weeks ago.

The group overcame the adversity to gather more resources for the family's future, crystals, body parts, and important items that could contribute to the Fuller family's growth upon their future return to the Seidel Kingdom.

With the challenges Vicente was facing these days, he had to suppress his mana cultivation in order to avoid advancing to the 5th stage, as he needed a pentagram to do so. Meanwhile, Rory was finishing his progress to the level of a Sky Sovereign!

The others in the group were also at the last part of the Earth Sovereign level, but since they were older than Rory and hadn't had all the opportunities he had, they would still need weeks or months to achieve the same as him.

They should all be able to advance to the next level before returning to the Seidel Kingdom in a year or two! Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

While half of them watched their surroundings, Rory took his last step and stabilized his cultivation at the level of a Sky Sovereign!

As he finished his advancement, he vibrated with excitement and left his meditation place to thank his best friend for the opportunities he'd had and for this incredible journey so far.

"Master," Amidst the celebration of the group, Onyx's voice sounded like a warning, silencing the voices and thoughts of those in the group.

"There are superior vampires approaching. Get ready to fight!" Onyx warned as he spotted a group of 4 pale beings hurrying towards them about 8 kilometers away from them.

Amid this, more than a ton of metallic objects formed in the area, mercilessly striking the four vampires.

Even though they were superior vampires who had taken part in the continent's takeover led by their race and wanted to kill this group, the four creatures changed their expressions when they sensed the abilities of this group.

Even though it was basically a group of Sovereigns, the total strength of them was that of a High-level Paragon!

Realizing this too late, the four Earth Sovereigns reacted as best they could, trying to defend themselves or escape Vicente's powers.

But even creatures as talented and powerful as superior vampires couldn't ignore certain forces!

Attacked by Onyx's high-pitched scream and the negative creature's fog of darkness, the four vampires faced opponents who would get the best of them.

"Whoever wins this battle will take a lot from this place. I like that! Let's see who wins, magicians!" The strongest of the four said, feeling the pressure of the creatures that could kill him.

Either the vampires would win and be able to suck the blood of these talented magicians, or the magicians would win and be able to take the precious blood of 4th stage vampires!

Most of them couldn't use the blood of these vampires in the short term because they had already absorbed the blood of someone of that race recently. However, Lina, Layla and the people of the Fuller family in Seidel Kingdom could absorb this blood, eventually!

"Vampires, it was your mistake to come to us!" Vicente said as he disappeared, doing the same as Layla was already doing, knowing that it was better to fight in hiding than in the open.

Meanwhile, Vicente and his companions felt the quick and decisive movements of the vampires, feeling in a second or less what would happen if they made a mistake.

Some of them would be bitten, others would be knocked unconscious by a single attack from each enemy. As such, they had to be perfect for the next few moments!

Thus began the most dangerous battle in the lives of these six magicians and one beast!