Chapter 745 Dresbert Hospital

Chapter 745 Dresbert Hospital

As soon as the blonde woman leading Vicente to the local wounded finished speaking, they arrived in front of a building in the center of Dresbert, where the name Dresbert Hospital was written.",

The local hospital was the headquarters of the former Dresbert Doctors' Guild, which had collapsed with the mass flight of its strongest doctors and become the center for treating the city's wounded.

In addition to the 27 4th stage people wounded in this place, 348 Mages and 322 Acolytes were currently being treated in the hospital.

The strongest magicians couldn't do all the activities in and around the city. Weaker magicians had to do common services such as gathering resources, planting food, etc. The strongest individuals, most of the time, dealt with the security of the groups going out of the city.

But even though the warriors were the ones who usually suffered the most when leaving the city, even individuals who were only responsible for collecting resources died or were injured from time to time.

As such, the former Doctors' Guild, now Dresbert Hospital, was packed with wounded people, men and women of all age groups, from the weakest to the strongest.

There were so many of them there that many were lying on the floor, there not being enough beds or even space for so many wounded people in the hospital.

The 80 or so remaining doctors, most of them low-level 2nd stage magicians, could not treat even 10 people a day. Even so, more and more wounded people arrived every day, gradually overcrowding the place.

If Vicente and his group hadn't appeared near this city, it was likely that a few more magicians would have arrived there with their lives at risk or at least unable to fight in the short term!

Minos and his two companions walked through the crowded corridors of this area, where relatives and friends of the wounded people were trying to help the few doctors on hand.

Lauren felt no empathy for those people, but Layla couldn't help feeling deeply saddened. This was Dresbert's situation, but at this moment, at least a dozen cities in this territory of the Kingdom of Eternal Dawn must be suffering similar things.

"I'll certainly do that." Vicente did not explain what he could do, soon arriving at a room measuring 130 square meters, where several beds were distributed so as to maximize the use of the area.

Stopping in the middle of the area, where he could see the situation of the men and women there, some of them with parts of their bodies missing and others with open wounds, Vicente changed his expression, while his green gem, with cyan traces, glowed on his forehead.

Then, while Peter, Iris, the two Sovereigns who had followed them, Lauren and Layla, but also three 3rd stage doctors in that room at the moment, felt the mana in their surroundings change under Vicente's control.

Those who didn't know him felt the power of a Paragon, being naturally impressed by the young Fuller's control.

But while this was happening, they saw two completely cyan pentagrams appear from inside his body, and felt their hearts stop for a moment, before beating much harder.

Their eyes widened, while their mouths unconsciously dropped open, revealing the shocked expressions of people who had seen nothing similar in front of them before.

Amid this, Vicente combined his power of Cardiological Manipulation with Atomic Manipulation, stimulating the hearts and cells of those people's bodies.

In less than 30 seconds of his action, the most superficial wounds of those people regenerated, with cuts and fractures closing up.

But the most shocking thing of all was not these wounds healing, but when one of the arms of a person there grew from elbow height!

"No way!" Peter exclaimed at the sight, never imagining that someone could have such a miraculous ability being just a non-medical Paragon.

There were beasts on the continent that had impressive regenerative abilities. But they were rare and usually only 5th or 6th stage doctors could get the pentagrams from these creatures!

However, there Vicente was, regenerating lost limbs of those high-level patients at Dresbert Hospital!