Chapter 771 Arriving in Seidel Kingdom

Chapter 771 Arriving in Seidel Kingdom

Time passed and the two months remaining between the group's previous position and their arrival in Seidel Kingdom ended that afternoon.",

After passing through the Chutha Dynasty's border with their home state, the group continued on their way to Grandis, a city just two days' journey for Onyx.

The entire group was observing the landscapes while Onyx carried them on his back, seeing the situation of the territory of their home state from about 1 kilometer above sea level.

Signs of battles and fires could be seen from above, with even a few small monster camps within sight of where the group was passing.

As she saw these signs, Lina couldn't help but sigh, thinking about how her family might be.

'I hope everyone is okay. According to Lauren, the actions of the strongest monsters to the south of the continent should only have started about five months ago. I hope they're still enduring the crisis.' She thought to herself, as she surveyed the terrain of her state with an apathetic look on her beautiful face.

Meanwhile, no one in the group was meditating or busy with anything else. They were all observing the terrain on their way, curious to know how those they had left behind were doing.

Having been out of the state for over two years, they had missed out on many things, from the Fuller family's expansionist actions to even the fights against the monsters that must have taken place in the territory.

Had the train lines been extended? How was Metal City? What about Eve and Nina?

Each of them had different questions, with even Lauren and the woman on the same level as her curious to know how the place they would call home from now on was doing.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Lauren had progressed in her relationship with the group, still acting and thinking in a selfish and negative way, but more helpful, giving what information she had.

"We'll stop by the capital first to find out the actual situation in the state. Depending on the news, we can split up to quickly reach our different posts." Vicente replied, still not so comfortable splitting up his group amid calamity.

On the way here, they had seen some monsters with 5th stage cultivation!

As they had already imagined, not every monster coming from the north would focus its actions entirely on the central area of the continent. Some went to that area to overthrow human territories and then advance south, but others specifically passed straight through the area without getting involved in fighting there.

Because of this, it wouldn't be strange to find monsters as strong as those they saw in Trevora Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Eternal Dawn in the Seidel Kingdom.

As Seidel Kingdom was the last state on the continent in the southeast area, they believed that the numbers of powerful monsters there would be small and sparse. Even so, Vicente preferred to be cautious.

"Let's find out what areas have been lost, the human numbers and the situation of the railroad lines in the kingdom. If the state has reached the brink of collapse, we'll reclaim the kingdom's land bit by bit, starting from Scott Province.

My initial aim is to ensure the safety of the family, strengthen the remaining railroad lines and Metal City, before reclaiming territories."

Rory nodded to Vicente, eager to go to Metal City, where he thought his mother should have gone after her many pieces of advice before the group left for the north.

With that said, the group would continue flying towards Grandis, the capital of Seidel Kingdom, where Nina, Eve, Nova and the royal family should be or have been until recently, at least.

The orders left by Vicente were for the family to leave when Grandis became untenable. But had that already happened?

In a few more hours of traveling to the southeast, the group would find the answer to that question!