Chapter 791 Plans and the Transfer of Memories

Chapter 791 Plans and the Transfer of Memories

The next day...",

Early in the morning, a train from Millfall arrived in the city and Casey got off in Metal City.

Minutes later, he was at the Fuller family mansion, where Vicente, Nova, Nina, Lauren, and Eve were having breakfast.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Upon entering the family dining room, Casey took a seat and promptly inquired of Vicente. "How are things in the capital?"

"Well, I'd say. I've left that area even better prepared to protect itself than some cities in the central part of the continent... I've repaired the province's railroads, so the king's party should be on their way to rescue people and regain access to ore and food resources." Vicente replied as he spread jam on toast.

"I believe by the time I finish my plans for Scott Province, Diamond Province will be in order. Most of that area will still be under monster control, but the human areas will be safe and the province's resources will flow again." He finished his speech after chewing his toast.

"Are you thinking of taking back the entire kingdom, brother?" Nina asked curiously.

"No. I want Diamond Province to be able to provide resources for Snow Province and Scott Province. I want to rebuild and strengthen these areas as much as possible.

The area of Diamond Province has a large border, no natural areas that would act as a barrier on their own, and is close to stronger areas that currently have more powerful monsters.

This is not the case for Snow Province, which has mountain ranges and a small border strip. Besides, it can fully protect Scott Province."

"So that's it... It's a shame. The mana density of this area isn't as good as the capital." Nina lamented, as the other women agreed.

Vincent, Nova and Eve were silent as they escorted the three into the living room of the mansion and watched as the two sat in the lotus position and Casey activated his powers.

Displaying her four pentagrams and opening her third eye in the center of her forehead, Casey touched Nina and Lauren's heads at the same time.

Simply transferring memories was much easier than he had tried with Lauren over a year ago. He easily copied Nina's memories of her sister, as well as some things that had happened to her after Lauren's kidnapping and Andrew's death.

Vicente had already asked him to do this to touch Lauren's icy heart, so he promptly did what he had to do, not even taking a minute to do it.

Nina was weaker than Vicente and had experienced less than the young Fuller, so copying her memories was easy.

Soon after, Casey worked on those memories before transferring them to Lauren's mind 10 minutes later.

At the end of the 15th minute, Casey's aura weakened noticeably as he finished what he had done.

Nina opened her eyes and looked away, seeing her sister contorting her face, still with her eyes closed, in a meditation position.

"It will take her a few hours to finish processing her memories, Nina," Casey said with a sigh. "But don't worry, she's fine. Whatever she gains from these memories won't harm her. But it's possible she'll have some nightmares, so she may express pain or anger until then."

Nova and Eve watched in anticipation as Nina watched her sister and Lauren seem to feel pain amid a nightmare. The two women felt sorry for the two girls, but they also felt sorry for Vicente.

After all he had done, he deserved a full reunion with his family, not just what he had gotten!

Not being able to help scared them, but all they could do was hope for the best and be there for the three of them.