Chapter 799 Level Up ?
A few days later, Vicente and Nova were in Ironcrest.",
Arriving in the city in the late afternoon, the two passed through the checkpoint where several royal guards were stationed to defend the city and control who came and went. Finnd new chapters at
The situation in Ironcrest today was not as bad as it had been two weeks ago. With the arrival of the Low-level Paragon and Sarah, who had been guarding the city for the past few days, the situation in the city had stabilized.
There were still problems outside the city, with monsters closer to the city than the locals would have liked. But Sarah and Erin had ended the immediate threats to it.
Now the city's 300,000 residents were safe in the knowledge that monsters would not overrun their city, as several others had been before being destroyed in recent months.
However, even though the two of them had 5th stage powers, neither of them could do the same as Vicente. So the two held their ground, giving the men of the city time to breathe, even though they still had problems nearby.
Vicente and Nova saw this up close in the ravaged streets of Ironcrest, some areas poorly lit, others with encampments blocking off entire streets.
"All the cities in the province that have survived this far, except Metal City, are in this situation." Nova explained as she walked alongside Vicente to the center of the area.
"The cities have had to lose vulnerable areas in order to close in like Ironcrest did. On the other hand, many inhabitants of the destroyed cities have joined them.
Over 80,000 new residents have arrived in Ironcrest in the last 8 weeks.
With no time, climate, manpower, or resources to build housing or adapt existing sites for these refugees, the remaining cities are basically in the condition you see.
"I can imagine. Cities all over the south and center of the continent are in the same situation." Vicente nodded at her, more aware of that than she could imagine.
"But we'll take care of it. In a few days, we can have this place up and running again."
If he tried hard enough, he could almost see particles in the air as small elemental lines floated disorderly in the environment.
The world was a natural chaos. The elements were not organized or uniform. They existed strangely, mixed in proportions that were hard to read, while in a small space one could find many different elements.
But under the movement of Vicente's arms, the surrounding elements seemed to organize themselves according to his affinities, even without him even trying to control them.
"Congratulations on your advancement, master. It is possible for you to become a High-level Paragon even on this area of the continent." Torne said as he appeared outside of Vicente's body, his tone full of expectation.
"The cultivation method we created is really interesting. Hearing from Lauren about that vampire technique used by the Congregation of Revelations helped us a lot." Vicente smiled at Torne.
He was a talented young theoretician. Despite his focus on action and the attitudes of a warrior, Vicente had a good grasp of reality from an early age. With his current magical knowledge and understanding, he created, with Torne's help, a technique based on the vampire technique.
This technique was not used to sacrifice magicians and have one absorb the magical essence of another. It could burn the cultivation of beings and transform it into mana that any type of creature could absorb, Dark or Light Path, whether human, beast, or other types.
Using this technique, Vicente had used over 10,000 monsters in the past seven days to help Millfall and Martell Village reach new levels of mana that even Paragons could cultivate to become stronger while in such areas.
On his third attempt to use such a technique, he broke through to the Mid-level of the 5th stage!
"This technique can change the course of the calamity, master. We just need to repeat it in the cities of the province and complete your plans to give this entire community a chance to improve."
Vicente nodded in agreement before standing and checking his watch, seeing it was time for him to activate the awakening on some of the order's altars.
He poured in the Cataclysm Moon Pendant part of his mana and felt some of his altars. He directed his mana in the right direction before leaving his message to the young people scattered throughout the south and center of the continent.
"I wish all of you the best of luck. I hope you gain great powers after today. The success of humanity relies on your achievements!"