Two weeks after meeting the strongest remnant of the Congregation of Revelation, Vicente began his journey back to the Seidel Kingdom.",
He was currently in one of the most important Chutha Dynasty remnant cities, less than 100 kilometers from the order's secret outpost in the state.
He had helped his local allies, given away some organs of the vampires he had killed in the Kenyth Empire and, of course, built defenses around the city.
But he had been helping the area for a long time, having produced hundreds of weapons and dozens of pieces of armor for the locals.
Now he had finished building the dynasty's first group of Sentinels of the Order, leaving behind the Mid-level Paragon he had conquered days before.
This old member of the Congregation of Revelation, now a member of the Cataclysm Order, stood beside the local leaders and said goodbye to Vicente.
"Venerable Fuller, have a safe journey back to Seidel Kingdom. I hope we can help you enjoy a few months of peace before little Annie is born." Said the Low-level Paragon, leader of the forces of this city of half a million people.
Other powerful warriors, standing next to one of the fences of this security zone, through which Vicente would be leaving in a few moments, said similar words.
"If you return to fight the strongest monsters and vampires hiding in our region, we will do our best to help you." Another person said, knowing Vicente would only stay in Scott Province for a short time before moving on.
They knew of the young Fuller's recent battle against superior vampires in the ancient capital of the Kenyth Empire. After such an action, it was expected that he would go in search of more such enemies, but also that the enemies would be better prepared against him.
In this sense, it was only a matter of time before Vicente returned to fight the community's greatest enemies.
"Hmm, work hard to keep what you have now and prepare for the future. When the time comes, I'll bring chaos to the lairs of the enemies." He said firmly, smiling confidently before looking at the Mid-level Paragon he had enslaved.
Her eyes went wide as her mouth opened slightly. A glow appeared on her face, her cheeks suddenly flushed.
Without hesitation, she rushed to Nova's side to support her before activating the emergency device connected to the doctor and key family members.
"It's time." The blue-haired woman murmured in a low voice while massaging her belly with both hands, feeling a strong pain at the foot of her belly, but smiling anyway.
'Where is Vicente? Will he arrive on time?' Eve worried as two people appeared in Nova's room, bringing a wheelchair to take the woman to the place prepared for the delivery.
The group's plan was to have a natural birth, a common and relatively simple procedure. But the need for surgery was not uncommon, even in the Polaris Realm. If the need arose, the doctor and his team were prepared to make a surgical move to increase Nova and Annie's chances.
As the three people with Nova entered the room specially prepared for the birth, where an alchemist, the doctor and some assistants were already waiting for them, Lauren and Nina also appeared.
"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Nina asked as she felt her heart pounding and her breathing quickening.
"Yes, don't worry." Nova said, as she sweated profusely and felt her body shift to give way to Annie.
"She's 5 centimeters dilated and getting bigger." The doctor said as he measured the passage through which Annie would emerge.
That was 50% of the dilation needed for a normal birth!
"Annie is in the ideal position. Get ready for labor. We'll reach 10 centimeters of dilation any minute now."
The team moved around as Nina and Eve held Nova's hands, feeling the nervousness of the moment of Annie's birth.
Then, as Nova screamed with the pain of the contractions, a young man with black hair entered the room, just before a distinct sound came from the doctor's arms.