Chapter 849 Situation in the North

Victor said. "As much as it would be good for all of us to have more allies to travel north with, it's unlikely that we'll get anything out of it. Getting on with your pentagram hunt is more important."",

Elmo agreed and suggested the same to Vicente. "The enemies from now on won't be as numerous as those you've already seen on your travels. There are hardly over 100 higher vampires of the 5th stage on the continent. And those who will be the first to emerge from their seclusion are the weakest.

So it's likely that our team won't face a mortal threat until the first high-level Paragon of the race awakens. And even if several Low- and Mid-level Paragons awaken first, it is unlikely that we will face 4 or 5 of them at the same time.

The greatest danger for us will come after the strongest one awakens. Until then, we'll have time for you to strengthen yourselves and hunt down your pentagrams. So the current configuration of the group should be enough, although it would be interesting to have more allies."

Vicente sighed, but couldn't help but agree.

'The first powerful enemies we'll have to face will certainly be Low-level Paragons. It would be difficult for superior vampires of that level to put us in danger of losing all our group mates. Unless a horde of them confronts us, we could fight with a chance of victory. Vicente pondered.

But it would be very complicated for them to hunt us in groups. There really aren't that many of them, and they know that if they come at us in large numbers, they can help us strengthen significantly and quickly.'

'That's right, master. This Leshy is right in his analysis. We'll have problems if Mid-level Paragons from the enemy group come in, but only High-level Paragons would be able to wipe us out. Until the first High-level Paragon vampire moves in, we'll have a chance to hunt down your pentagrams and strengthen ourselves.' Torne said to him.

"Since the situation isn't good for us to gather more allies, I think it's time we traveled to the Majestic Treefrog Grove. We'll hunt down the pentagrams of my three companions on the way there, and of course we'll keep an eye out for pentagrams that are compatible with me," Vicente decided, raising Elmo's doubts.

"Do you have anything special to do in that area?"

"I would like to seek the advice of the elves. My pentagrams have to be the kind formed by the phenomena of nature, so it will be difficult to find them."

"Do you think the elves can point you in the right direction?" Victor understood Vicente's plan.

Where there had once been cities and human groups, there were now hordes of monsters exploiting plantations, mines, and human artifacts.

Some monstrous creatures had body shapes similar to humans, so using human infrastructure was very easy and interesting for them.

But monsters were beings with much sharper senses than humans. With several of them stationed in interesting areas for refugees or enemies to pass through, if the group wasn't careful, they would be easily spotted.

Being recognized right now would be terrible!

If they were in an area where there were several 6th stage monsters, where the strongest of them lived, and where there were vampires nearby, knowing their location would be tantamount to a guarantee that they would be attacked by the strongest of them at any moment.

With no intention of facing powerful monsters or superior vampires for the time being, the group had been hiding during the journey to avoid possible confrontations for as long as possible.

During the first few weeks of their journey, they hadn't encountered any Light Path beasts.

Such beasts, once easily found by travelers in the region, were now extremely difficult to find outside of their natural habitat.

With monsters dominating the region, most of the creatures of the Light Path had returned to their tribes, or at least to the vicinity of their tribes, where monsters didn't yet have such a strong influence.

Aside from the tribes scattered in special areas in the north of the continent, the only places where Light Path creatures could currently be found were the Valley of Lightning and two other special places where various types of creatures went to strengthen themselves.

Outside of these special regions and tribal areas, only Dark Path creatures were present among the creatures that had previously traveled around the region and maintained residences in areas far from their homelands.

Thus, the three Beginning Archmages in the group were still waiting for their new pentagrams, while Vicente had found no trace of new essences for the Throne of Darkness.

Meanwhile, his group continued to travel north in secret.