Chapter 893 Formation of the Pentagram!

893 Formation of the Pentagram!

The formation of a pentagram didn't happen suddenly. The process itself didn't take long, lasting from a few minutes to an hour.

But the phenomena associated with the formation of a pentagram appeared gradually, first with less intense signs, and only toward the end of its formation with more striking signs.

The formation of pentagrams was also progressive. A cyan pentagram would not form suddenly. It would first appear as a gray essence, and over the course of the formation it would change color; first to red, then to orange, then to yellow, until it reached its last quality.

When Vicente felt the supernatural sensation of the formation of the pentagram, he didn't see it appear, nor did any phenomena appear powerful enough to disturb this sizeable area. Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

He and the others could tell that a pentagram was forming, but for the moment, only those closest to it would notice it.

Vicente ordered his men, while he already had the six vampire bodies in front of him. "Get as much rest as you can. In less than an hour, we'll be facing the decisive moment. I believe reinforcements from these enemies will not arrive until the pentagram is complete. That will be the moment to fight."

Vicente's companions did what they had to do and began to meditate where they were, not caring about the nearby corpses. Vicente needed to rest as well, but first he used what little mana he had recovered to separate the organs and blood of the six creatures they had just killed.

He didn't know if his people would be able to use this vampire blood, since this essence would decay hastily after the vampire's death. Depending on the situation they ended up in after the formation of the pentagram, it might lose all its power.

But he stored it in an artifact that could contain items with volatile properties such as vampire blood, hoping that things would work out for his people.

At the end of ten minutes, when the pentagram forming in the area turned orange, Vicente began meditating to recover as much as he could.

"In position, I'm ready to absorb the green pentagram now, and I'll take in the cyan pentagram once it's fully formed," Vicente announced as he conjured the green pentagram he had been keeping in his spatial storage item for several months.

As this essence appeared, he briefly told the consciousness of the Throne of Darkness not to get in his way before beginning the rapid absorption process.

The Throne of Darkness was no fool. It could sense creatures capable of endangering its user's life. Although it didn't like Vicente's idea, it saw that it was their only alternative.

Without making it difficult for its master, the Throne of Darkness opened its 'arms' to the negative green essence floating in the air in front of Vicente, connecting with it in an instant as it moved towards the inside of Vicente's body.

The compatibility of this essence with Vicente's body was high, and there was no consciousness behind the pentagram to hinder its absorption. In the blink of an eye, this essence entered Vicente's conscious space and easily integrated with him as his enemies flew in that direction.

The vampires sensed what Vicente was doing and easily understood his opponent's plans for this upcoming encounter.

The creatures' expressions became even worse than they already were as they realized that they would have to fight to prevent Vicente from repeating what he had just done, only with the essence finally turning cyan!

"Get ready!" the leader of the group of monsters shouted. "Do everything you can to stop Vicente Fuller from absorbing the cyan pentagram!"

Meanwhile, in Vicente's group, his ten allies were positioned around the cyan pentagram, with Elmo shouting to his people. "Use everything you've got to stop the enemies! Let's make sure Vicente successfully absorbs the cyan pentagram!"

It wasn't their plan to do this in this place, but given the circumstances, if they didn't, it might become impossible for Vicente to absorb such an essence later on!

Once the pentagram was formed, with the enemies only four kilometers away from them, Vicente had already finished absorbing his fourth essence when he began to absorb the newly formed cyan pentagram!