Chapter 895 New Skills!

895 New Skills!

The moment all the barriers around Vicente fell, his standing body was completely unprotected, and even the ghost that had tried to protect him was destroyed in the process.

The High-level Paragon smiled at the sight of his helpless foe before him. He charged straight for Vicente's throat, not caring to risk the magician's life.

As valuable as Vicente's power was, he would rather risk accidentally killing his target than allow his enemy to finish absorbing the pentagram!

Vicente was not easy. Even a lethal attack against him would hardly kill him easily. With this in mind, the leader of the monster group risked everything to prevent his opponent from succeeding.

Just as his hands covered in energy were about to strike Vicente's neck, a hand grabbed his wrist.

Vicente's eyes flew open as the mana in the area surged, 10 pentagrams emerged from his body, only one of them green and all the others cyan!

"Not so fast!" Vicente said as his words seemed to come out of his mouth at a reduced speed to the eight creatures around him. Rread latest chapters at

For a moment, each of them felt an immense weight on their bodies, while strangely, they felt as if invisible tentacles were connecting them to Vicente's body.


The seven Mid-level Paragons opened their mouths in horror, their high-pitched, piercing screams capable of frightening even their twelve powerful comrades fighting Vicente's group of six beasts.

Vicente stepped in and punched the High-level Paragon in front of him in the abdomen, who was unable to defend himself after spending over 70% of his power to reach this human.

As he felt a hole form in his abdomen, the strongest vampire in the area saw himself being expelled from his own body.

'What?' he asked himself as he tried to move.

But having lost his body and being so close to Vicente, he was lost.

The 12 monsters gave up their resistance, while the eight vampires were easily massacred!

"Vicente..." Elmo muttered as he saw how far the young man they had come to protect had come.

Unfortunately, Vicente didn't make it in time. Five of their teammates died before the battle was over!

Vicente observed the surroundings of his realm of darkness for a second longer, a combination of several of his Throne of Darkness pentagrams.

'If this isn't enough to change my fate, then so be it. I've done everything to get to another place.' He thought to himself as his powers faded, over 60% of his mana consumed in those quick movements a few moments ago.

As the realm of darkness disappeared, revealing the outside world once again, pentagram marks appeared on the bodies of the 12 Dark Path creatures kneeling.

Vicente ignored them for a moment, turning his gaze to the bodies of his four fellow magicians where Torne had perished.

He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed in defeat. "You're dead, old friend..." A tear trickled from Vicente's left eye as he thought of old Torne.

Although they had started their relationship on opposite sides, they had been companions for almost all of Vicente's journey here. In the blink of an eye, over 10 years had passed since that meeting, but Vice felt as if much more time had passed.

Torne had been a friend, a teacher, an advisor, and a protector. Losing him now was like losing a loved one from his family.

Even hardened by years of catastrophes and experiences, Vicente still couldn't contain himself in the face of losing someone important to him.

Even after becoming so strong, he still experienced the terrible feeling of not being able to protect everyone he cared about.

But his feelings didn't take over his mind for long.

"Sigh! It's a shame that our companions fell here, but we have to leave. We're still not in a position to face the vampires head on." Vicente looked at the bodies of the magicians, a look on his face that showed his feelings for the seven people in his group.

He placed the bodies in his spatial ring before leaving the area, taking his allies and the 12 remaining monsters with him.