Chapter 13: On Guard

As Alister and his team pressed deeper into the dungeon, the air grew heavier with the stench of blood. Goblins continued to pour out in waves, their numbers seemed endless. Alister fought alongside his teammates, but his movements now seemed more cautious.

His dagger sliced through the air as he parried a goblin's rusty blade, then swiftly countered with a strike to its throat. The goblin collapsed with a gurgle, adding to the growing pile of bodies on the cavern floor.

'Is it just me? Or are they getting stronger?' Alister thought, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily.

'This is starting to get harder than I thought, I can't afford to let my guard down.'

He glanced at the hovering yellow system window as he thought further, 'That last one should have been enough to complete the quota.'

[Starter Quest: Summoners can fight too.]

[Quest details: Raid a gate, with or without a party and single handedly kill at least five monsters.

Quest completion status: Monsters killed 5/5, Complete the raid 0/1.

Time left: 01:45:12.]

'So I guess, all that's left now is getting out of the dungeon in one piece.'

Despite his efforts to stay alert, Alister found himself momentarily caught off guard by a quick-footed goblin. With a snarl, the creature lunged forward, its blade finding a gap in Alister's defenses and sinking it's rusty dagger into his shoulder.

"Ughaaa!" Alister cried out, the pain shot through him, but adrenaline momentarly sped up his reflexes. Gripping his dagger tightly, he retaliated with a desperate thrust, piercing the goblin's chest and ending its life. Blood seeped from Alister's wound as he staggered back, clutching the rusty dagger and pulling it out from his injured shoulder.

"Lila, I need healing," Alister called out, his voice strained with pain.

"O-oh ok." Lila rushed to his side and knelt beside him, her hands glowing softly as she placed them over his wound. A warm, tingling sensation spread through Alister's shoulder as the healing took effect. He winced but nodded gratefully as the pain began to fade.

"Thanks, Lila," he said, rolling his shoulder to test out if he could still use it in combat. The wound was gone, but the exhaustion remained.

With a collective nod, they resumed their advance.

As Alister, Amelia, Lila, Erik, and Jarek continued their march through the dimly lit carven of the dungeon, the air around them seemed like it became thick, not only was it harder to breathe but they all felt chills run down their spines.

Alister felt the change immediately. The air was dense, and it pressed on his chest, making every breath harder than the last. His hand tightened around the hilt of his dagger, his eyes looking around the shadows for any sign of movement.

'This must be what the system talked about when it mentioned rank increase, the air in here is already putting me on edge.'

He felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead and tried to shake off the creeping anxiety. "Does anyone else feel that?"

"Y-ya," Erikk stutterd. "This place is giving me the creeps," he said with a forced chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Feels like something's watching us." His muscles tighten as if anticipating a sudden attack. He shifted his stance, keeping his sword at the ready.

"This isn't normal.... Be on your guard guys. Something's not right." Amelia mutterd, her eyes darting around as well.

Jarek gripped his battle axe firmly, every muscle in his body coiled and were ready for action. "Everyone, stay sharp," he said, his deep voice steady but alert. "The dungeon's trying to mess with us. Don't let it get in your head. Keep your eyes open and your weapons ready."

Each of their steps echoed against the cold, stone walls, and the flickering torch lights they walked passed casted long shadows on the floors. The further they ventured, the more the oppressive atmosphere seemed to close in on them.

Jarek took point, his broad shoulders and muscular frame made him an imposing figure as he led the way. Behind him, Erik moved gracefully, his lean body ready for combat.

Amelia and Alister followed closely, while Lila brought up the rear, her eyes darting around, alert for any sign of danger.

They had barely moved deeper into the dungeon when a new wave of goblins emerged from the shadows.


An ominous laugh suddenly echoed.

And the figures of goblins slowly came into view, these goblins, however, were different from the ones they had faced before. They were larger, their eyes seemed to emanate a dark energy, and their movements were more coordinated.

"Watch out!" Erik called out, his voice echoing through the narrow passage. He leapt forward, his sword flashing in the dim light as he engaged the nearest goblin. His blade cut through the air, but the goblin parried the strike with brute strength, "What the...'' he muttered in shock, as he witnessed the goblin grabbed his sword with it's bare hand Forcing Erik to quickly adjust his stance.