Chapter 30 Shattered Pride

30 Shattered Pride

Alister paused, then gazed at Yanzi with an indifference that bordered on coldness. Gone was the flustered boy of the past; in his place stood someone who seemed to have aged years in a matter of moments.

"You're mistaken, Yanzi."

Yanzi, clearly taken by surprise by his icy demeanor, scoffed.

"Mistaken? About what? Are you so shy you can't even admit it?"

"Yanzi, what are you doing?"

Kai's voice cut through the air, breaking the silence.

Yanzi whipped around, a forced smile on her face.

"Just having a chat with an old classmate, Kai. We used to be in the same academy."

Kai raised an eyebrow "Oh, really? Well, I'll be waiting for you over there."

He pointed towards a group of people gathered near the entrance.

Yanzi waved dismissively. "Okay, darling. Just a minute."

As Kai disappeared into the crowd, Alister couldn't help but ask,

"Is that your boyfriend, Yanzi?"

A smug smile appeared on Yanzi's lips. "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice, Alister?"

Alister's response was a sudden chuckle.

"Jealous? Me? Not even close."

"If anything, I'm relieved. The thought of walking around with a ticking time bomb like you... well, let's just say I feel a touch of sympathy for the guy."

Yanzi's smile fadded for a moment, as she suddenly wore a look of anger.

"Oh, you're angry that I left you, big deal!"

"How... dare... you, Alister! Just what makes you think you can look down on me? Because you were some genius model student?"

Alister, caught off guard by the sudden crackling of lightning, stopped in his tracks. He turned around, looking unfazed despite her little display.

Aurora, wide-eyed with panic, screamed.

"Ma'am, people aren't allowed to use their talents inside the Union Office! It's against the law!"

But Yanzi ignored her.

"It doesn't matter what you say, Alister!" she yelled in anger.

"I am an Elemental! You are just a mere summoner! How dare you look down on me!"

Before anyone could react, Yanzi lunged forward, a ball of crackling lightning forming in her outstretched hand, aimed directly at Alister. The attack was so sudden, so unexpected, that Alister had no time to react.

Just as the ball of lightning seemed on the verge of connecting, a deep, guttural roar echowed throughout the hall. Cinder reacted with lightning speed – her own kind, that is.

Her massive head turned towards Yanzi, red eyes blazing with fury.

"Insolent human!"

Her voice boomed, shaking the very foundations of the building.

Cinder whipped her leg around so fast It didn't seem possible for her size. The massive limb connected squarely with Yanzi's abdomen, the impact sending the young woman flying across the hall like a ragdoll.

She screamed as she soared through the air, her body twisting and turning, before crashing with a loud boom into a glass display case on the opposite side of the room.

The deafening boom echoed through the hall, causing a stir of confusion and panic. People whipped their heads around, searching for the source of the sound that seemed to rattle their very bones.

A crowd of curious onlookers, began to gather around the spot where Yanzi had landed.

There, in the shattered display case, lay the young woman. Her limbs were bent at unnatural angles, and jagged shards of glass protruded from her flesh. Blood, bagen to pool around the marble floor.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
