Chapter 32: A Desprete Plea [Bonus Chapter]

Chapter 32: A Desprete Plea [Bonus Chapter]

A swirl of emerald light erupted in the luxurious foyer of the Li family estate, displacing a priceless Ming vase and sending it crashing to the floor.

Kai tumbled out of the shimmer, landing with a heavy thud on the polished marble floor.

He lay there for a moment, panting heavily, the adrenaline leaving his body in a rush. "Damn," he rasped, pushing himself up with a grimace.

"That's the furthest I've ever teleported in my entire life."ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

His eyes darted around the spacious foyer, taking in the familiar surroundings. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow on beautifully carved furniture and priceless artwork. But the beauty held no appeal for him at that moment.

His gaze fell on the two figures approaching him, their faces etched with concern. "Master Kai!"

One of the butlers, a wiry man named Chen, exclaimed.

"What happened? You're bleeding and... the young lady you were with... what happened to her body?"

Kai didn't waste time with explanations. Blood dripped down his arm from a shard of glass embedded in his flesh.

"Chen!" he yelled in desperation. "Take me to my grandfather! Now! Yanzi... she's badly injured. She could die!"

The two butlers exchanged a hesitant look. Chen, the cautious one, cleared his throat. "Master Kai, the Lord Patriarch is currently in an... important meeting with the Head of the Wei family. We wouldn't want to interrupt."

"Interrupt?!" Kai roared, frustration boiling within him. "Don't you understand? My girlfriend is dying! She needs a healer, and my grandfather is the best in the city! If you don't take me to him right now, she could bleed to death, goddamn it!"

The butlers flinched under the force of his outburst. Kai's emerald eyes usually looked playful and bright, but now they looked dangerous, like he was ready to murder someone. This wasn't the same young master they were used to.

Seeing the sheer intensity in his gaze, the other butler, a portly man named Bao, stepped forward.

The room fell silent. Lord Han Li's stern expression softened slightly as he took in his grandson's disheveled appearance and the raw desperation in his eyes. Elder Wei, who previously looked excited, now wore an expression of concern.

Ignoring the silence in the room, Kai reached his grandfather and gently laid Yanzi's unconscious body on the floor. Blood had stained her pale skin and her ragged breathing sent a jolt of fear through him.

Lord Han Li wasted no time. He reached out, placing a hand on Yanzi's body. A soft golden light bloomed from his palm, covering her entire body.

The light gave off a calm welcoming warmth, and a gasp escaped Kai's lips as he witnessed the miracle unfolding before his eyes.

Yanzi's mangled limbs straightened out, the unnatural bends relaxing back to their natural state. The crimson stains on her skin vanished, turning back into a healthy flush.

Even the shards of glass embedded in her flesh were pushed out, dissolving into harmless particles of dust that drifted away in the golden light.

In a matter of seconds, what had been a seemingly disfigured figure with serious injuries was now a peacefully sleeping young woman.

As Yanzi was healed, Lord Han also placed his hand on Kai, healing the gash on his arm and the sting of the glass shards. He looked down at his now-smooth skin in shock.

Elder Wei, who had been a stoic observer until now, clapped his hands once, breaking the stunned silence.

"Extraordinary, Lord Han. That was truly remarkable! The first time I've witnessed your talent in action. No wonder they call you the 'Hand of God.' So this is what a true S-Rank

healer is capable of!"

Lord Han Li offered a calm nod, his expression calm. He knew the implications of his actions. Healing Yanzi in front of a respected figure like Elder Wei could open doors, but it could also attract unwanted attention.

Elder Wei then turned to Kai as he fell to his knees in relief and asked, "Now boy, straight to business. What is responsible for leaving your beloved in such a state?"

His tone was intense, as if silently promising to make who or whatever caused this to pay in
