Chapter 35: The Word Of An Overlord [Bonus Chapter]

Chapter 35: The Word Of An Overlord [Bonus Chapter]

She glanced at her hand, watching as it shook. "It could happen any day now. I could just di

"Miyu, remember my promise?"

Alister interrupted, walking up to her side and sitting down.

He took her trembling hand in his, his expression softening. "The one I made a couple weeks ago?"

"That I'd find a cure and make sure you see the outside world again?"

Miyu's eyes filled with tears, but she nodded. "But... with the way things are going, how are you sure-"

"I asked a question. You should give me an answer first before saying anything else." Alister said, interrupting her.

Miyu began to tear up. "Ok, I remember. But how are you planning to find a cure?"

Alister smiled, his hand gently squeezing hers.

"That's for me to worry about and for you to wait for my return."

Miyu wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, sniffling softly.

"Here you go again, acting like you're some kind of superhero."

Alister chuckled softly, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

"Hardly. I'm no hero, but I am your older brother, and I have a promise I intend to keep. So rest easy and don't you dare talk about dying again."

Miyu nodded, her tears flowing freely now. "Okay... brother. I'll wait for you."

'She finally called me brother.' Alister. Smiled.

There was a moment of quiet between them, the only sound was the soft sounds of medical equipment in the background. Alister gently pulled Miyu into a hug, his arms embracing her frail body.

Suddenly, the system's voice echoed in Alister's thoughts as the yellow window materialized. [New Quest! The Word of an Overlord:

The word of an overlord is worth its weight in gold, for more often than not, their promises shape or destroy destinies!

As the overlord of all dragons, you have made a promise!

You will find a cure!

Quest Completion Requirement: Craft the Omnipotent Elixir and give it to your sister (0/1).

Reward: a piece of Overlord's broken Crown. (?? - Rank).]

impatiently as he did.

He tossed in some pre-packaged noodles, a handful of dehydrated vegetables, and a questionable meat substitute that vaguely resembled something once alive.

After a couple of minutes it was ready, it might not have won any awards, but it was hot, filling, and most importantly, it tasted good.

He wolfed down his meal perching on the edge of the bed, the flickering light from the window casting long shadows across the room. With a satisfied sigh, he pushed the empty bowl away, his gaze falling on the yellow glow emanating from the corner of his vision.

"Alright, System,"

He muttered, wiping his greasy fingers on a towel.

"Let's see what this whole 'Train your body' quest is all about."

He mentally willed the System window forward, the interface appearing before his vision. The quest log displayed the following details:

[Train your weak body (Daily)]

[Details: Dragons are not feared only because of how powerful they are, they are more terrifying because they seem to always grow stronger over time, no matter how strong they were previously. As an overlord of all dragons, such is your fate as well.]

[And what better way to train than combat?]


The next instant, a yellow rift appeared before him. Alister leaped backwards at first, thinking

it was a dungeon, but the system quickly notified him.

[The player need not worry, that is just the training grounds.]

[The player should step through and begin the daily quest.]

Taking a deep breath, Alister steeled himself and stepped through the rift. The world around

him shifted in an instant. He found himself in a vast, open ruined city under a clear, starry night sky. The air was dusty, and the ground beneath him felt solid and real, almost too real

for a mere training simulation.

'This air... it smells, oddly familiar.'

[Welcome to the training grounds, player. Begin your combat training by surviving until the

time runs out.]

[Good luck!]

"Surviving? I thought you said it was combat training?" Alister asked, clearly confused.

Then Alister heard a loud roar in the distance, a large four legged creature was approaching, it's blue eyes glowing in the night.