Chapter 39: Survival Or Combat Training?

Chapter 39: Survival Or Combat Training?

'This... air... isn't this the wilderness?'

'Why would the system send me out here? How far away am I from the city?'

The figure in the shadows slowly stepped out, revealing the body of a massive wolf with white fur. The blue talent system window suddenly materialized before Alister, detailing the

creature's information.

Monster: Silver Wolf

Rank: D

Class: Medium


- HP: 1,500

- MP: 500

- ATK: 200

- DEF: 100

- M.ATK: 150

- M.DEF: 80

- SPD: 250


- Bite: A powerful bite attack that can cause severe bleeding.

- Howl: Summons nearby pack members to assist in battle.

- Acceleration: Increases speed and evasion during combat.

Total Combat Power: 2,780

Remark: They usually move in packs.

Just as Alister finished reading the information, the wolf charged at him, its eyes glowing and its maw dripping with saliva. Alister's instincts kicked in, and he shouted.

"Cinder, come forth!"

A rift tore open beside him, and with a thunderous BOOM, the massive black drake, Cinder, emerged.

Flames instantly erupted from Cinder's maw, engulfing the charging wolf in a searing flames. The Silver Wolf didn't even have time to yelp before it was reduced to a pile of ash.

Alister wiped the sweat from his brow, his heart still pounding from the adrenaline rush. He glanced around, checking for any more surprises that could be in store for him.

The intensity of the heat was so immense that it began to melt the structures where the flames landed. The sheer heat caused Alister to raise his hand to shield his face, and its brightness also affected his eyes.

Finally, Cinder stopped.

"Impressive, Cinder."

Alister said, patting the drake's scaly hide.

"Let's stay alert. If these wolves move in packs, there could be more of them."

'Blood what?'

Alister watched in shock as the blood that had started to pour from his wound reversed its

flow, seeping back into his body.

The gashes on his arm began to close, steam rising as the skin knit itself back together.


Alister thought, flexing his newly healed arm.

'These must be those skills the system said I got after the goblin raid.'

'If I were to guess, Blood Manipulation must be responsible for the blood returning to my body, and Blood Healing... well the healing.'

'Although.. I can't afford to rely on them too much. My stamina isn't infinite after all.'

He focused on the wolves again, hardening his gaze. Another wolf charged him. Alister shifted his weight, ready to meet the attack. This time, he ducked under the beast's lunge, but its claws still managed to catch his leg, tearing through his pants and slicing into his flesh.

[Notice: Blood Healing activated.]

[Notice: Blood Manipulation activated.]

Steam rose from the wound on his leg as it slowly healed. Alister gritted his teeth, trying to push through the pain. He swung his gauntlet in a wide arc, slashing the wolf across its side

and sending it sprawling.

'I need to anticipate their moves better. They attack in patterns.'

'They are four legged creatures, so the way they would move in order to make a leap for an attack would be very different from humans or goblins.'

Two wolves came at him from different angles. Alister narrowed his gaze as he twisted his body to avoid one, but the other managed to nip at his shoulder, its teeth scraping against his


[Notice: Blood Healing activated.]

[Notice: Blood Manipulation activated.]

'Calm down. Focus.'

His yellow eyes glowed slightly, his pupils became more reptilian.

He took a deep breath, centering himself. The next wolf lunged, and this time, Alister was

ready. He dropped to one knee, thrusting his gauntlet upward into the wolf's belly. The claws dug deep, tearing through flesh and muscle. The wolf let out a pained yelp, collapsing at his


Another wolf pounced. Alister rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding its bite. He came up on one knee, slashing at the wolf's legs with his gauntlet's claws. It stumbled, and he finished it

off with a quick swipe to the throat, the claws cutting deep.

'I'm getting the hang of this.'

He felt a claw slash across his back, tearing through his shirt and skin. He spun around,

slashing wildly with his gauntlets, forcing the attacking wolf back.

[Notice: Blood Healing activated.] [Notice: Blood Manipulation activated.]

The pain subsided as the wound healed, steam rising from his back.