Chapter 47: Offer And Demands

Chapter 47: Offer And Demands

The clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversation filled the luxurious space of the Five Emperors Restaurant. Alister sat back in his plush chair, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. Empty plates, piled high with remnants of a truly luxurious feast, surrounded him.

"Whew," he announced, patting his stomach with a playful grin. "That was incredible. Thanks for the hospitality, everyone. Now, where were we?"

A chuckle rippled around the table, the tension easing slightly under the weight of a shared indulgence. Anya, the Berserker guild master, leaned forward, her gaze sharp.

"Alright, kid."

"Now that you've successfully used our money to stuff yourself, let's get down to business."

A sudden silence descended upon the table. The lighthearted mood of the meal evaporated, replaced by an air of intense competition.

Anya, the Berserker guild master, cleared her throat, then said, "Alister. The Berserker guild offers a competitive starting salary of 200,000 union points a month, with a guaranteed annual raise based on performance. Additionally, you'll receive a 5 million union points signing bonus upon joining."

Eryx of the Blue Seals chimed in, a touch of pride in his voice.

"We at Blue Seals understand the importance of equipment for a summoner of your caliber. We'll provide you with full access to A-rank training equipment, with the potential to upgrade to S-rank upon reaching specific milestones."

Cheng Zhi, the leader of the Black Reapers, offered a sly smile.

"We at the Black Reapers recognize potential when we see it. You'll be granted a luxurious, high-security apartment in the heart of the megacity, complete with A-rank personalized training facilities. A monthly pay of 100,000 union credits and a signing bonus of 3 million union credits."

Alister, watching the scene unfold, finally raised his hand to call for silence. "Alright, alright," he said, amusement evident in his tone. "I think I've heard enough. Impressive offers from all of you. I think it's time I come out and say what I want."

The guild representatives all fell silent as they decided to listen to his words.

Yuuto Tsukumo, the guild master of the White Comets, let a small smile form on his lips. His assistant, noticing the change in his expression, thought, 'He seems interested. Is this boy really all that intriguing?'

Alister took a deep breath and began speaking, "Firstly, I want a signing bonus of five million union credits and a monthly pay of one million union credits."

The guild representatives exchanged glances, the stakes clearly set high.


"I need autonomy. I won't be a pawn to be moved around at anyone's whim. I need the freedom to pursue my own goals and projects, without interference."

The guild representatives tensed up slightly, that was a direct declaration of being given permission to disobey orders.

"Thirdly, I want a fair share of the profits from missions and assignments I undertake. My contributions should be valued and compensated accordingly."

Cheng Zhi smirked, clearly pleased with Alister's practical demands.

"Fourth, I want access to the guild's treasury, from which I would be allowed to pick out four items without any strings attached."

At this, a feeling of unease rippled through the representatives. Arden's smile faded slightly, Anya's confident demeanor suddenly turned serious, and Aria exchanged a concerned glance with Eryx who was now giving Alister a death glare. Even Cheng Zhi's smirk disappeared, and instead had on a more calculating look. The treasuries of their guilds held some of the most valuable and powerful items, and granting unrestricted access was no small request.

"And lastly," Alister said, his eyes locking onto each representative, "for a very long time, I unfortunately won't be participating in any dungeon raids."