Chapter 50: A Duel

Kai's fists clenched tightly at his sides, his body trembling with barely contained rage. "You don't know what you're talking about," he spat. "Yanzi isn't a toy, and I didn't run away. I did what I had to do to save her."

Liang chuckled, his condescension only deepening. "Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, little brother. Just remember, when I'm head of this family, things will be very different."

"Well, little brother, I have better things to do."

Kai's anger flared, and he couldn't hold back any longer. "Take that back!" he yelled, his voice echoing down the corridor.

Liang stopped in his tracks, turning slightly to gaze at Kai with a cold, condescending eye. "Take what back, exactly?"

Kai's fists clenched at his sides. "What you said about Yanzi being a toy. Take it back."

Liang's smirk grew wider. "Yanzi is its name, huh? Fine, I'll be sure to call it Yanzi from now on."

Kai's rage boiled over. "She isn't an 'it' either! If you don't recognize her as a person, then you and I are going to have a problem."

Liang turned fully to face Kai, his expression darkening. "A problem, huh? You're amusing, little brother. But remember your place. I won't take back what I said, and there's nothing you can do about it."

The butler had been standing frozen, watching the whole exchange with unease. He stuttered to Kai, "Y-young Master, we should be going."

Kai suddenly called out to Liang. "I challenge you to a duel!"

Liang paused, turning back with a look of surprise and disdain. "What do you think you're up to, Kai? I don't have time for your childish games. Or are you just looking for a beating?"

"Neither," Kai retorted. "I'm going to make you apologize and take back what you said." The butler beside Kai tried to intervene. "Please, Young Master, calm down. This isn't like you. Let's just go to the training ground so you can prepare for your test raid."

Kai glared at the butler. "Shut up. I'm going through with this. Besides, what better sparring partner could I get than the infamous vice branch master of the Reapers guild?"

Liang chuckled, the sound cold and mocking, suddenly his expression turned serious. "I don't know what you think you're up to, Kai, but if it's a beating you're after, then I guess it's my responsibility as your older brother to deliver."

"Kai taking action, finally," he thought aloud. "This is interesting."

The maid blinked, not expecting such a reaction. Jian simply nodded and began to walk toward the training ground.

"Let's see what this is about," he said over his shoulder, his tone more curious than concerned.

As Jian walked, the staff followed in silence, whispering among themselves about the unexpected turn of events.

The thought of witnessing the duel had suddenly become much more intriguing with the presence of Lord Jian, whose approval or disapproval could significantly impact the outcome and the family dynamics.


The training grounds were a massive, open space, large enough to accommodate a small 50 by 50 house. It was filled with various training dummies and equipment, but these had been cleared out to make way for the duel between the young masters.

The air was filled with anticipation as staff and family members gathered at the elevated viewing points, eager to witness the match.

Kai's father, Lord Jian Li, arrived with a calm demeanor, his curiosity hidden behind a look of indifference. He took his place among the spectators, his sharp eyes observing the scene with interest. The maids and butlers whispered among themselves, all clearly excited.

Liang, standing in the center of the training ground, held a sword with a confident grip. He couldn't help but smirk as he saw the growing audience.

"Everyone has come rushing over to witness just how helplessly you'll fail, Kai."

"Would you look at that, even father is here."

Kai stood across from him, his stance firm and his expression filled with anger as he gripped twin daggers. He glanced up at the elevated platform, meeting his father's eyes for a brief moment. Jian gave a slight nod, acknowledging his son's resolve.

"Ready when you are, Liang," Kai replied.

"Let's get this over with."

Liang's smirk widened. "Very well, little brother. Let's see what you've got."