Chapter 52: Recipe For Chaos

Chapter 52: Recipe For Chaos

Kai's vision blurred, the edges darkening as consciousness slipped away. The last thing he heard was Liang's voice, cold and victorious.

"And remember, Kai. Strength is everything, and the top of the world is reserved only for those who possess an 'Overwhelming' amount of it."

"Let this be the last time you try a stunt like this."

"Else those limbs of yours will be replaced with robotic prosthetics."

Liang finally turned around and left his brother on the ground defeated.

Kai lay on the ground, bruised and defeated, the weight of his failure heavy on his chest. The whispers of the onlookers filled his ears, each word a dagger to his pride.

"Did you see that? He didn't stand a chance."

"Liang was toying with him the whole time."

"Kai's always been too weak. He should have known better."

All he could think about was his own weakness, his inability to protect Yanzi, and the humiliating defeat at the hands of his brother.

In anger and frustration, Kai slammed his fist into the ground, the impact sending a shockwave through the already shattered earth.

"Damn it... Damn it all!" he yelled, his voice echoing across the training grounds.

"Why did things turn out like this... The times I didn't want anything, I got everything, the times I didn't even try, I emerged victorious."

"What's so different now... why has everything changed?"

Indeed, throughout his life of living with a golden spoon, Kai lacked nothing, and thus never really wanted anything. Not the position of family head, not the shares of any of the family's businesses, or some sort of position of prestige or power. He wasn't ambitious.

But now things had changed, he wanted to get back at Alister for what he did, he wanted to protect the image of the woman he loved, he wanted to punish his brother for looking down on him and mocking the woman he loved, he wanted the means to easily accomplish all of that.

He wanted power!

"Understood," Alister replied.

Aiko glared intensely at Alister, but Alister returned an indifferent look, letting out a sigh as he followed behind Guild Master Yuuto.

Stepping through the door, Alister was immediately struck by the sight of a quirky duo engaged in a peculiar and dangerous game.

One of them, a young man with bright green hair and dark green eyes, he was balancing on a stack of wobbly chairs, juggling what appeared to be live grenades.

His partner, a woman with a spiky pink hair and a mischievous grin, was tossing the grenades

up to him while simultaneously trying to catch the ones he dropped.

The chaotic scene was a whirlwind of color and danger, and it seemed as if disaster could strike at any moment.

These two, Alister quickly learned, were the guild's infamous troublemakers. Known throughout the White Comet Guild for their reckless antics, they often left a trail of chaos in

their wake.

The green-haired juggler was known as Axel, while the pink-haired dynamo went by Blitz. Together, they had a reputation for being both incredibly talented and unbelievably


Just as Alister was about to question the sanity of the guild, Aiko's patience snapped. She stormed over to the duo, her voice sounding like a whip.

"Axel! Blitz! How many times have I told you to stop this kind of behavior? You're supposed to be members of this guild! You should act like it!"

Axel's face went pale, his juggling faltering as one of the grenades slipped from his grasp. Blitz caught it just in time, but the pair quickly scrambled to disassemble their dangerous


They both trembled under Aiko's intense gaze, their bravado evaporating in the face of her


"P-Please, Aiko," Axel stammered, "we were just trying to lighten the mood..."