Chapter 75: A Short Display Of Power

Chapter 75: A Short Display Of Power

Ren's thoughts raced, 'Is this why the guild master favored him so much? Normally, it takes a summoner at least a month before they are able to attempt another summoning due to the mental strain from taming and the amount of mana it takes to keep their summons under control.'

'But for him, it has only been a week and five days if I'm not mistaken, and the monsters he summoned are both considered mythical creatures. He appears to command them

effortlessly, although he still lacks proper coordination.'

'But with time, I'm sure he will learn that. If he does and the number of summons he possesses continues to increase, a day may come when he would be the single most feared man in this sector, no, this mega city and the world beyond.'

Ren adjusted his glasses that had slid down the ridges of his nose, causing them to glint softly as he thought further.

'Although that may be the case, I am still not in favor of the way he acts.'


Yuuto felt a touch of irritation at Darven's disrespectful tone. "Alister, you might want to teach your summon some proper mann-"

Before Yuuto could finish, Darven charged at Yuuto with lightning speed, his body radiating purple lightning that streaked through the air. The ground beneath him crackled and sparked as he moved, a blur of dark armor and electric energy.

Yuuto's eyes widened slightly at the sheer speed of the attack. He barely had time to react but instinctively dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding Darven's grasp.

Darven skidded to a halt right at the edge of the stage, his fingers flexing as he turned to face Yuuto. "Strange," he said, sounding a bit surprised. "I missed?"

He then straightened, his glowing eyes locked onto Yuuto. "Impressive," Darven said, a grudging respect in his tone. "You are the third being that has successfully evaded my grip."

Yuuto's irritation faded slightly, replaced by a calculating look. "You're fast," he admitted, "but speed alone won't be enough."

Darven's eyes narrowed, the purple lightning around him crackling more intensely. "We shall see," he replied, his stance ready for the next move.

The team leaders stood in silence, the gusts of wind from Darven's movement whipping around them and causing everything to blur. Ren's glasses nearly slid off his nose as he tried to process what had just happened.

"Did... did the rest of you see that?" Ren stuttered, adjusting his glasses.

Goro, still looking bewildered, shook his head. "I'm not sure what I saw."

"Could it have been that teleportation?" Kaida suggested.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Razorgrin, still recovering from his earlier scare, managed to speak up. "No," he said, his voice hoarse but firm. "The guildmaster just said speed. That means he physically moved."

The murmurs from the crowd grew louder as everyone tried to piece together what had happened.

"Did it move that fast?"

"Maybe it was some sort of teleportation talent?"

Goro peeked through his fingers, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Where is Alister?" he shouted, his voice echoing in the arena.

Yuuto heard the team leaders' frantic calls for Alister. His mind momentarily flickered with


He glanced around, searching for the missing summoner, a brief lapse in concentration. 'Where did he go?' he thought to himself.

Darven, seizing the opportunity, grinned beneath his helmet. "Getting distracted in the middle of a battle?"

Before Yuuto could react, Darven's hand shot out, the air crackling with lightning. The distance between them was mere inches. Yuuto's eyes widned with shock, but his body reacted instinctively. With a grunt, he channeled his mana into his feet, propelling himself backward with explosive force.

He landed several meters away, heart pounding in his chest. Just as he thought he was safe, a cold voice echoed through the arena, sending shivers down his spine.

"And that's checkmate."

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind Yuuto and tapped his shoulder. The tap seemed to echo, causing every other sound and mummurs to fall slient.

Yuuto's eyes widened in shock as he spun around to face the one responsible. There, standing casually behind him, was Alister.

"Darven, good work," Alister said calmly, his voice echoed over the silence of the crowd. "You

may return now."

Darven, without hesitation, nodded. A rift tore open in the air, a swirling vortex of darkness

and light. With a blur of purple lightning, Darven sprinted into the rift, and it closed shut

behind him, leaving no trace.

Yuuto looked up at Alister, a touch of shock and amusement in his eyes. "Guess you win," he


Kaida, still processing the events, muttered, "Is it over?"

Ren adjusted his glasses, his mind racing to comprehend what had just transpired.

"Seems it is."

Hiroshi shook his head in shock. "No way, it all started a couple of moments ago, right?"

Ren, a small smile spreading on his lips, said, "I guess you can say that." Alister tightened his grip slightly on Yuuto's sholder as he said, "Now sir, our deal."

Yuuto with a touch of irritation, slapped Alister's hand off, "Easy there, don't get carried
