Chapter 78: Approaching Darkness

Chapter 78: Approaching Darkness

After lady Aiko's rather intense punishment, Alister, Lila, Axel and Blitz made their way to the cafe as a group the tension began to ease up. Axel and Blitz, still covered in bruises and looking rather roughed up, practically pulled their feet behind Alister and Lila, muttering to each other.

Upon reaching the café, they found a cozy corner table and settled in. Alister and Lila ordered some drinks and snacks, while Axel and Blitz slumped into their seats, wincing slightly with each movement.

Blitz glared at Alister, rubbing her bruised arm. "You totally abandoned us back there, you know."

Axel nodded, with a look of frustration and pain on his face. "Yeah, we really thought you could've at least brought out your summon to protect us. Lady Aiko was really scary this time!"

Alister, sipping his drink, raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly did you expect me to do? Summon a dragon in the middle of the training grounds to save you from a well-deserved punishment?"

Lila couldn't help but chuckle. "You guys really should've known better than to pull those pranks on the newbies. Lady Aiko's patience has its limits."

Axel sighed, resting his head on the table. "We just wanted to have some fun. It's not like we meant any harm."

Blitz nodded as she too agreed. "Yeah, we were just trying to liven things up a bit. Didn't think it would backfire this badly."

"I mean, we didn't even use explosives this time."

Alister leaned back in his chair, studying them both. "Well, consider this a lesson learned. Lady Aiko's not someone to mess with, especially when it comes to the guild's reputation."

Lila took a sip of her drink, then spoke, "And next time, maybe think twice before involving newbies in your 'fun.' They're still getting used to everything."

Axel and Blitz exchanged glances, then nodded slowly. "Yeah, we get it," Axel said, his voice sounding resigned. "But you could have at least tried to help us out a bit."

Blitz leaned forward. "Just a little intervention would've been nice. We were practically begging for our lives!"

Alister chuckled slightly. "Consider it divine punishment for all the praks you two have gotten away with. Besides, you survived, didn't you?"

Axel let out a dramatic sigh. "Barely. I swear, I saw my life flash before my eyes."

Blitz nodded. "Yeah, for a moment there I thought she was really going to kill us."

Lila giggled, shaking her head. "You two are hopeless."

Despite their bruises and complaints, Axel and Blitz couldn't help but smile.

Axel and Blitz exchanged glances, then grinned. "Hey, we heard you defeated the guild master using a new summon," Axel said, excitement in his voice. "You have to tell us all

about it!"

Blitz nodded eagerly. "Yeah, come on, spill the details!"

"Was hearing a lot of talk about how it seemed to be teleporting and stuff."

Alister let out a sigh. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you." Just as he was about to begin, the system flashed a message before him, but compared to past system windows, this one was different, it was massive and appeared to be held in the maw of a massive golden dragon head.

[Ding!! New quest: Last stand(1/10):

Darkness approaches and an overlord must take a stand!: #### has descended upon this world and is slowly making their move. Be ready when they strike and fight back!

Quest completion requirement:

- Summon your first wyvern army! (D rank)

- Obtain 3 dragon generals: (3/3) - (completed)

- Reach level 30 (second bloodline awakening) -- current level: 24.

Reward: Piece of Overlord's broken crown (?? - rank).

Quest failure penalty: ??

[Notice! Time left for daily quest completion: 04:02:34.]

Alister's eyes widened slightly as he read the new quest.

'Darkness approaches? An army of wyverns, is this related to the reason the system hasn't been allowing me to summon any other dragons?'

In the past week, the system had stopped Alister from summoning any other dragons, despite

the large number of conduits he now had, giving him the message, 'Max amount of dragon generals currently reached.'

Not only did this message confuse Alister due to the fact the system never dubbed his summons as dragon generals in the past, but it also seemed like the system was deliberately choosing his summons instead of them being random. The fact they had a part of their surnames that was similar caused him to think that.