Chapter 82: Partial Draconic Transformation

Chapter 82: Partial Draconic Transformation

Some seconds ago, Alister, with his high perception, sensed objects flying at him at an insane speed. His head instantly whipped around, and his eyes widened in shock as he noticed green metallic projectiles hurling toward him.

'Activate Draconic Rage!'

He activated his Draconic Rage skill in that split second, hoping with his enhanced stats he would be able to counter or perhaps dodge the incoming projectiles.

But just then, the system's voice echoed in his head.

[Draconic Rage activated!]

[Notice, the first gate 'Emergence' has been opened!]

Gate 1: Emergence:


- Enhanced Transformation: Transforms the player into a powerful draconic form, significantly boosting physical abilities and granting new skills through 'Synchronicity'.

- Aura of Dominance: Exudes a powerful aura that increases the player's allies' stats by 10% and further decreases enemies' stats by an additional 10%.

- Synchronicity: The player is capable of channeling and personally using the abilities of his summons, based on the percentage of the player's bloodline awakening - currently 25%.

- Now channeling abilities from summons: Cinder, Terra, and Darven.

In that instant, Alister felt a drastic shift in his perception. Time slowed down significantly. His vision seemed a lot more sharper and shens of the position of everything on the earth around him were somewhat visible in his mind.

'This must be due to Darven's lightning fast reflexes and Terra's senses.' Alister thought in


'If that's the case then...'

The gauntlet on his left hand began to change slightly, suddenly scales began to emerge around his arm, suppriznly a mix of both white and black, crackling with lightning.

Drawing from Darven's lightning-fast reflexes, he extended his left arm. Golden lightning crackled around his hand as he caught each spike mid-air, his hand was a blur as it moved.

Time finally returned to normal speed.

The spikes he caught sent a massive shockwave through his arm, but his draconic form absorbed the shock.

The remaining spikes impacted the ground and sent vibrations around him, but he remained unfazed.

Dust billowed into the air upon their massive impact, causing Cinder and Darven to pause and look back.

The dust bagen to clear, revealing Alister was alright.

"Seems the monsters are starting to get intelligent," Alister said nonchalantly, his eyes still glowing with his Draconic Rage. He glanced at Terra, who had stopped in her tracks, her expression a look of relief and awe.


Time limit: N/E

Failure penalty: N/E]

Alister stared at the window, the weight of the words sinking in. "I didn't realize..."

Darven stepped forward, he was now more calm, sounding slightly serious.

"We each wish to serve you to the best of our abilities, my lord. This competition is not just for us but for you as well. We want to ensure that you have the best support possible." Cinder nodded, her eyes meeting Alister's. "We only wish to prove ourselves worthy, my


Alister took a deep breath, his gaze sweeping over his three loyal dragons. "I understand now. This means a lot to you all, doesn't it?"

They nodded, their expressions calm yet serious.

Alister's mind raced as he thought about the weight of their words. He knew that this decision could be a tricky one, but he also knew that with their support, he could face whatever

challenges lay ahead.

"Very well, I'll choose later," Alister said, his voice firm. "Let's continue forward. We have a

lot to accomplish, and I need each of you at your best."

"Yes, my lord," they replied, their spirits lifted as they prepared to continue their hunt.

The rest of that night the dragon generals still kept on competing with each other it'll Alister finally hit the required kill count and the quest was deemed completed.

[Quest complete!]

[Looting processing!] Alister also experimented with his draconic form, but he was yet to achieve full transformation, only being able to transform either one hand or one leg. There was even a time he grew a very sharp tail, with his generals supporting him as he did.

Terra also tried explaining the sensation of transformation to him, but it still seemed out of


Alister concluded that it must be due to the fact there wasn't a deep emotion backing the

Draconic Rage skill, because from its description, it empowers him when he has something to fight for. He surmised that simple curiosity wouldn't be able to force Emergence to activate


[Level up!]

[Notice! Mastery of combat with claws has reached Advanced level! (50%).]

And so with all that out of the way, it was time to head over to the auction.