Chapter 84: Offering

Warmth and worry suddenly returned to his eyes as he said, "Sounds like you've been through a lot."

May's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she nodded. "Yeah, it's been tough. I didn't want to burden you with all of this. That's why I said no back then."

Nathan then said, "So what now? Why did you finally agree to go out on a date when we've barely seen each other in the past year?"

May paused, letting out a sigh. "I guess you could say it's because I got cocky."

Nathan raised an eyebrow, curious. "Care to explain?"

She took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "I'm sure you heard about that summoner who was all over the internet. You know, the one who summoned that dragon... or was it a drake? I think his name was Alister."

The air around Nathan suddenly changed. Although there was barely any change to his facial expression, it made May feel uneasy. He tightened his grip on her hand as he said, "Alister?" His tone was sharp and dangerous.

May winced, "Nathan, you're hurting me."

Nathan snapped back to reality, quickly releasing her hand. "I'm sorry. I lost it for a moment." May rubbed her hand, looking at him with concern. "Do you know Alister?"

Nathan's expression hardened. "I guess you could call us old acquaintances, but he and I are not on good terms." He then leaned back, his eyes narrowing slightly behind his glasses. "So, what about him?"

May hesitated before continuing. "Well, seeing someone like him, a summoner who's accomplished so much, it made me think... maybe I could do more with my abilities too. Maybe I could change things for myself."

May took a deep breath, her eyes shimmering with tears. "So, I borrowed more money. Five hundred thousand union credits, hoping if I could afford the best summoner equipment, maybe I would be able to finally take control of my future."

She began to tear up, her voice trembling. "But it still didn't work out. I tried my best, but my summonings failed. The one that ended up succeeding only brought forth a weak monster that could only be used for scouting. I don't know why things are just going to hell like this. Now I'm neck-deep in debt and I don't have a clear way of being able to pay it back."

Tears dripped onto the table as she continued, her voice breaking. "I-it was driving me crazy. I was about to just give up and end it all."

She suddenly reached out and grabbed Nathan's hand desperately.

"But when I saw your text to go out, I thought, only you could save me now. But why should you? I mean, I haven't really been in touch, and coming to you when all I have to offer is this massive debt that's nearly suffocating me makes me feel like a terrible person."

Nathan's eyes softened with concern and empathy. He reached out with his other hand to gently wipe away her tears.

As they walked, Nathan's gaze shifted sharply, taking in the positions of the CCTV cameras mounted along the street. In his mind, he counted.

'Six cameras total. Although they are not supposed to be a concern, it would still be best to remain cautious.'

Nathan suddenly turned and guided May into a dark alleyway. He gently placed his hands over her eyes and said, "We're getting close to the surprise now."

May was bubbling with excitement. "Really? I can't wait!"

They walked a short distance before Nathan spoke again. "I'm going to let go now."

He removed his hands from her eyes, allowing her to see the alleyway around her. May took a few steps forward, her eyes looking around the surroundings as she cheerfully asked, "So,

where is it?"

Nathan paused, slowly taking off his glasses and running a hand through his hair. He let out a sigh, his expression becoming more serious.

May, noticing his change in demeanor, felt a twinge of unease. "Is something wrong?"

Before she could say more, Nathan interrupted, his tone cold and commanding. "Helxon, let's

get this over with. I'm tired of playing dress-up."

May's confusion deepened. "Helxon? What are you talk-"

Before she could finish, Nathan's left eye flared a deep, unsettling red. A strange, four-sided star symbol materialized on the back of his left hand. At the same moment, a similar symbol appeared on the left wall of the alleyway.

A strange black vail seemed to suddenly encase the allyway.

The symbol began to glow intensely, and within seconds, it transformed into a swirling portal. From the depths of the portal emerged a nightmarish creature, its massive jaws lined with sharp teeth and its eyes glowing blood-red that moved around before focusing on her.

The sight was horrifying.

May's face went pale, and she instinctively took a step back, her voice trembling. "N-nathan, something isn't right! What is--"

Her shout was barely out when the monstrous jaws of the creature lunged forward with terrifying speed. And instantly took a massive bite of her from her abdomen, ripping it off instantly, causing blood to spray like rain all over as she screamed in pain.