Chapter 87: Underground City

Chapter 87: Underground City

He walked along the platform, the sound of dripping water echoing around him, until he reached a section of the wall that appeared no different from the rest. Pressing a hidden button, a small panel slid open, revealing a surprisingly new and well-maintained elevator. Its sleek metallic doors gleamed under the dim light, looking out of place when compared to the rundown surroundings.

Stepping into the elevator, the doors closed silently behind him, and the elevator began its descent. The hum of the machinery was the only sound, a steady, almost soothing rhythm as he was carried deeper underground.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator came to a smooth stop. The doors slid open with a quiet hiss.

Stepping out of the elevator, Alister found himself in the heart of a bustling underground city, its vast space illuminated by mana crystal shards hanging from the cavernous ceiling. The crystals cast a mystical light that bathed the entire city in a soft, otherworldly glow.

Alister raised the hood of his cloak over his head, the shadow of the Phantom Spade's mask blending seamlessly with the dim surroundings.

This was the underground city of Nocturnus, a haven for those who thrived outside the law, was a place where a lot of mining took place, as well as the smuggling of items not approved by the Union into the city.

"This place always gives off the vibe of a dungeon."

Alister muttered to himself, his voice barely audible beneath the mask. He still wasn't used to coming here, the air here felt like it was always filled with danger and secrets.

As he walked down the main road, he couldn't help but notice how much busier it seemed today. People of all kinds-merchants, thieves, mercenaries, and shadowy figures-filled the streets, their voices blending into a constant murmur.

The whole place was a lot busier than usual.

'Must be because of the Reaper Guild's auction.'

Alister thought, his eyes looking around the crowd from beneath his hood. He continued to walk.

Passing various stalls and shops, Alister noticed traders haggling over rare goods and contraband, their negotiations heated but discreet. The smell of exotic spices and the sound of unfamiliar languages filled the air, adding to the sense of being in a different world entirely.

He turned down a side street, seeking out a familiar vendor who dealt in rare items. The vendor's stall was tucked away in a quieter corner of the market. Alister's footsteps echoed slightly as he approached, the dim light casting long shadows.

The vendor let out a reluctant sigh, realizing he couldn't let such valuable items slip through his fingers. "Deal."

He pulled out his Union card and hovered it over Alister's, the transaction completing with a soft beep. Alister pocketed his card as he prepared to leave.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Alister said, adjusting his hood as he prepared to leave. The vendor nodded, though the disappointment of losing the haggling match was clearly displayed on his face.

Alister turned and walked away, the bustling sounds of the underground city fading slightly as he moved towards his next destination.

As Alister made his way through the busy underground city, he made his way through the throngs of people, his eyes looking around the various signs and stalls for any indication of the Reaper Guild's auction.

He pulled his hood further over his head, blending into the shadows as he moved.

Turning a corner, Alister's gaze was focused on a distant sign when he suddenly collided with


He barely registered the impact, his sturdy frame absorbing the collision without stumbling. However, the person he bumped into wasn't so lucky and fell to the ground with a small gasp. "Oh, ouch!" she exclaimed, looking up at Alister as she picked herself up. "The heck? You're as sturdy as a wall!"

Alister reached down to help her up, his gloved hand extended. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Are you alright?"

She took his hand, her eyes momentarily looking at his masked face. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, brushing the dust off her clothes. She was a young woman, dark blue hair and sharp red eyes and an air of confidence despite the mishap.

"Not many people can knock me off my feet like that, you must be really strong huh?" Alister gave a slight nod, his tone neutral. "Good to know. Actually, you might be able to help me. I'm looking for the Reaper Guild's auction. Do you know where it is?"

The woman raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "The Reaper Guild's auction, huh? You must be looking for something special. It's not far from here. Head down this street," she pointed to a narrow, less crowded path, "and take the second left. You'll see a large building with their emblem on it. You can't miss it."

"Thank you," Alister said, offering a brief nod of gratitude.

"No problem. I'm actually going there too."