Chapter 91: A Deal

As the auction came to an end, the announcer took a final moment to address the attendees. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for attending tonight. We hope to see you again at our next event."

The crowd began to disperse, murmuring with excitement about how the night went. Among them, Lady Lian and her bodyguards moved forward, retrieving a briefcase containing the precious vial of World Tree sap.

They headed toward the exit. As they stepped outside, the night air of Nocturnus blew past them, cool and crisp.

Lady Lian's silver wolf walked beside her, looking around as they slowly headed for their transport. Her bodyguards were vigilant as ever, always keeping a close watch on their surroundings, hands always close to their concealed weapons.

It wasn't long before one of the guards noticed something was off.

"Lady Lian," he said in a low voice, his eyes scanning the area, "someone's following us."

Lian, maintaining her composure, smiled slightly. She began to turn her head to see exactly who would be following them. Before she could catch a glimpse, a voice rang out from behind them.

"I'll give you two options: either you give up that item in exchange for something I can offer, or I take it by force. Either way, you won't be leaving here tonight with that briefcase."

Lady Lian halted in her tracks, her bodyguards instinctively forming a protective circle around her. Her wolf instantly began growling.

She didn't need to turn around to recognize the voice; she knew it belonged to the man who had sat beside her during the auction-Spade.

With a slow turn, Lady Lian faced him, wearing an expression of amusement and curiosity. "So, this is how you want to play it?"

"I thought we were merely competitors in a bidding war. But it seems you're more desperate than I anticipated."

Alister stood a short distance away, seeming relaxed, yet at the same time ready for anything.

"Call it whatever you will," he replied, his voice cold.

"But I'm not leaving without that vial."

She took a step forward, placing her right hand above her chest.

Alister remained silent, watching her with a guarded expression. He wasn't quite sure where

she was going with this, but he knew better than to let his guard down.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Lian Zhang, third daughter of the House of Zhang."

"As you might imagine, my family has a certain... reputation to uphold. So we are always careful about who we associate ourselves with."

"But I find myself in a position where associating with you, Mr. Spade, could be mutually beneficial. That's why I decided to purchase the item, hoping you would approach me like this."

Alister's eyes narrowed slightly. "And what exactly do you plan to do now that I'm here?" She took another step closer, her gaze locked on his.

"I'm willing to offer you this vial," she pointed slightly to the briefcase.

"In exchange for something I believe you can provide: an alliance."

Alister didn't respond immediately, his mind racing as he weighed his options. He had been prepared to take the vial by force if necessary, but this... this was an unexpected turn.

An alliance with a member of the Zhang family could open doors for him that were currently sealed shut. But it could also entangle him in the web of their power struggles, something he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to get involved in.

'If she did all this just to approach me, then I can take advantage of the situation to get more out of her.'

Lady Lian, sensing his hesitation, pressed on. "Consider it, Mr. Spade. Our cooperation could lead to greater opportunities, far beyond what either of us could achieve alone. This doesn't have to end in conflict."

She extended her hand, a display of trust. "What do you say? Let's make a deal."

Although Lian hid it well, she was desperate for his help. Believing he was a hidden master, she thought there could be no other person better suited to help her in her current
