Chapter 99: The Wasteland Display Event Part Three

Chapter 99: The Wasteland Display Event Part Three

The wastelands echoed with the sounds of battle as the White Comets carved a path through the hordes of monsters. Each step they took vibrated with the crunch of bones, the roar of flames, and the shriek of wind slicing through the air.

The landscape was a chaotic battlefield, with the team pushing forward without slowing down. Their power and coordination were a sight to behold.

As they tore through the monsters, the commentators spoke over the live feed back at the megacity.


"What an incredible display from the White Comets! Just listen to those booms-each one marking the fall of another beast!"

"Absolutely! They're moving like a well-oiled machine, tearing through these creatures as if they were nothing!"


At the forefront, Ren led the charge, his hands engulfed in flames that crackled and roared with a life of their own. His eyes blazed with the same intensity as the inferno he controlled. With a swift, powerful motion, Ren thrust his right hand forward, unleashing a torrent of fire that spiraled through the air, crashing into a cluster of charging beasts. The flames consumed them instantly, reducing them to nothing but ash swirling in the wind.

"And there goes Ren, with those signature flames of his! Those beasts didn't stand a chance!"


"Keep pushing forward!" Ren's voice boomed across the battlefield.

The air around him seemed to shimmer with heat as he continued his attacks. Suddenly, a massive creature emerged from the dust-a twisted abomination of flesh and stone, its body encased in jagged, rock-like armor. Multiple eyes glowed with a strange green light, and its maw dripped with toxic, sizzling liquid.


"Oh no, what's this? A new threat for Ren!"


Not stopping even for a moment, Ren charged at the beast, his feet pounding against the cracked earth as he closed the distance. His right hand opened outward as if to hurl something, and with a powerful thrust, he unleashed another wave of flames. The fire shot from his fist, raging through the air before smashing into the creature's chest. The impact engulfed the monster in a raging inferno, and it thrashed wildly as molten shards of rock and flesh flew in all directions.Nêww chapters will be fully updated at


"Look at that display of raw power! Ren's flames are tearing that creature apart, piece by piece!"


Meanwhile, to Ren's left, Razogrin let out a thunderous roar as he swung his massive hammer over his shoulder. Despite his size, he charged forward with a surprising burst of speed, his muscles rippling beneath his techy armor. A smaller, swift creature resembling a cross between a wolf and a lizard charged at him from the side, its claws extended and fangs bared. Razogrin spun on his heel, bringing his hammer down in a wide, devastating arc.

The hammer connected with the creature's skull, and the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground. The beast's head exploded in a shower of blood and bone, its body crumpling as the force of the blow toppled several smaller creatures nearby. Razogrin swung the hammer back over his shoulder, a wild grin spreading across his face.

"That all you got?!" he yelled, his voice booming as he charged into another wave of monsters. "Bring it on!"


"Razogrin's got no mercy today! He's obliterating everything in his path!"


Hiroshi darted through the battlefield like a blur, his twin daggers flashing like silver streaks in the dim light. He was a blur of motion, almost impossible to track as he darted between the legs of a massive, rocky-armored creature. The beast's legs were as thick as tree trunks, each step causing the ground to tremble. Hiroshi slid under its belly, slicing through the joints of its legs with precise, fluid strikes.


"And there's Hiroshi, slipping through those defenses like a ghost!"


He twisted and turned, his movements seamless with no unnecessary actions. He kicked off the ground, flipping backward to land on his feet behind the creature.

With a flick of his wrists, he sent a gust of wind slicing through the air, severing the monster's legs from its body. As the creature collapsed with a thunderous crash, Hiroshi dashed forward, his left arm swinging back to deliver the final blow. He leaped into the air, raising his right dagger high before driving it down into the monster's exposed neck. Black blood erupted from the wound, and the creature let out a final, pitiful wail.

"Watch your flank, Goro!" Hiroshi shouted, his sharp eyes catching a monster closing in on Goro's side.

A gust of wind propelled Hiroshi upward into the air, allowing him to rain down a barrage of wind blades on the creatures below. But Goro had already expected the attack. He raised his


Cinder continued her attack with her flames, this time less intense.

Suddenly, a colossal, armored behemoth emerged from the swirling dust, casting a long

shadow under the gray sky. This was no ordinary monster; it was a field boss. Its scaled hide glinted in the dim light, and its multiple eyes glowed with intensity.


"A field boss! Oh, this is going to be a tough one!" Marcus exclaimed, his voice filled with


"This is the same type of creature that caused the White Comets some trouble in the last

event. Let's see how Alister and Cinder handle this one!"

Elena nodded. "Indeed. This creature is known for its thick hide and powerful regenerative

abilities. It's going to be a tough fight."

"Let's see if his drake lives up to the-"

"Cinder... Reduce it to ash," Alister said, interrupting the spectators, his yellow eyes glowing


In an instant, Cinder's maw opened wide, and crimson flames erupted, engulfing the field

boss in a fiery inferno. The creature thrashed violently, its roars muffled by the crackling


For a moment, there was silence as the world seemed to hold its breath. Then, as suddenly as

it had begun, the fire subsided, leaving behind nothing but ashes and scorched earth. The field boss was gone.

The commentators were speechless. Marcus finally managed to stammer out,


"Is that all... really?"

"Where's the monster?" Elena said, sounding confused.

For a moment, they both paused again, the silence stretching on for a while.

"And... it's finished. Unbelievable! The monster was reduced to ash just like the others. It didn't even stand a chance."

Elena's jaw dropped. "I... I've never seen anything like that before. It's as if the field boss was

nothing more than a pile of paper."


The megacity was in an uproar. Spectators were glued to their screens, their minds racing as

they tried to understand what they just witnessed.

"Did you see that?"

"That was insane!"

"I can't believe it. A field boss defeated in seconds."

"Alister Hazenworth... who is this guy?"