Chapter 106: The Wasteland Display Event Part Six

Chapter 106: The Wasteland Display Event Part Six

"Oh? What's this? It appears the Reapers have finally started their raid!" Marcus said, brimming with excitement.

"Yes, Marcus, it seems they had been waiting for this moment. Perhaps this is the plan they mentioned earlier when they muted the listening devices on their suits."

"Oh really? Even if they're aiming for a win by fighting while everyone else is resting, wouldn't it have been more effective if they started as soon as they arrived?"

"I'm just as clueless as you are, Marcus. As we always say, the only thing we can do is watch and find out!"


Mira charged at a hulking humanoid monster with red skin and tusks. The creature swung its massive right limb in a fast vertical arc, bringing it down toward her with brutal force.

As the limb descended, Mira smirked and leaped to her left, narrowly avoiding the limb as it crashed into the ground with a thunderous boom, sending dust clouds billowing into the air.


"Mira's speed is something else! Did you see how she dodged that attack? A direct hit from that beast would've crushed her!"

"Not just her speed, but look at how she's positioning herself. She's always a step ahead, anticipating the monster's moves, she makes it look easy!"


Without losing momentum, Mira pivoted on her left foot, swinging her glaive in a wide arc toward the monster's exposed side. The blade of the glaive sliced through the thick hide of the creature, severing its ribcage with a loud crunch. Dark blood sprayed from the wound as the beast stumbled back, struggling to regain its balance.

Mira didn't let up. She spun on her feet, bringing the glaive overhead before driving it down into the monster's knee. The blade cut trough again, splitting bone and rendering the limb useless. The creature roared in pain, dropping to one knee, its massive hands flailing as it tried to grab her. Mira swiftly yanked her glaive free and leaped back, dodging the grasping claws by mere inches.


"Oh, that was brutal! Mira's not giving that beast a chance to recover. It's already down on one knee, and she's still pushing forward!"

"That's the Reaper way! She's dismantling it piece by piece, not letting up until the job is done. Absolutely ruthless!"


"Not so tough now, are you big guy?" she said with amusement.

"That's Kai's specialty, strike fast, strike deadly, and move on to the next target before they even realize what's happening!"


He spun in mid-air, crossing his daggers over his chest before slashing them outward in a scissor-like motion. The blades tore through the creature's shoulder joints, severing both

arms clean off.

The beast roared in pain, but Kai was already gone, reappearing behind it to plunge both daggers into the back of its neck, severing the spinal cord. The creature dropped to the ground

instantly, lifeless.

"Stay sharp guys." Kai's voice said over the comms.

"We're the ones that should be telling you that newbie." Mira respond sharply.

Kai teleported to the next target, appearing in a low crouch as he drove his daggers upward into the soft underbelly of a charging beast. He twisted the blades and yanked them out sideways, the intestines falling out before the creature before it could even know he was


Jin remained perched on his high ridge, calm and focused as he lined up his next shot. He watched through the scope as a Warped Behemoth leader charged toward the team. With a calm movement of his hand, Jin adjusted his aim slightly to account for the creature's speed.

He exhaled slowly and squeezed the trigger. The rifle kicked against his shoulder as the shot sprang out, and the bullet tore through the air, punching through the leader's eye and exiting the back of its skull.

The monster momentum carried it forward a few more steps before it collapsed, its brain obliterated.


"What a shot! Right through the eye, and that Behemoth is down for the count."

"Jin never misses. That's one more leader down, and he's already lining up his next shot. The

man's a machine!"

"No doubt about it."
