Chapter 108: A Failure Of An Overlord Part Two

Chapter 108: A Failure Of An Overlord Part Two

The system's voice suddenly echoed before Alister could look around any further.

[Memories will now begin integrating...]

'Memories? What memo-'

Before Alister could get an answer, he felt a massive jolt inside his brain, as if it were being electrified. His hands instinctively left the reins of the dragon he was riding and clutched his head in pain. The sensation was so intense that he couldn't even muster the strength to


Memories began to flood his mind-not everything, just all he needed to know. He was General Kaelan Von Valor-Void, a lightning dragon who had pledged his loyalty to the first heir of the Dragon Overlord's throne.

After the passing of the last Dragon Overlord in his battle against the encroaching darkness, the dragons needed a new leader, a new Overlord, one who would inherit the heirloom left behind and push back the darkness invading their world.

Perhaps, finally be worthy to pull out +Restriat.

Most of dragonkind were instantly split into two factions: those who pledged their loyalty to the first heir and those who pledged their loyalty to the second. Both desired the throne, and until one was chosen as the true Overlord, none could wear the heirloom.

And thus a war broke out.

Of course, the Archi-Void advised against this, insisting that conflict should be the last resort for the dragon race, especially when their world was facing a battle against an impossible enemy.

However, they were met with the question: how else could they resolve it? Both heirs had their pride to uphold; both were possible successors to the throne.

As the wizened keepers of dragon history and all their teachings and secrets, the Archi-Void suggested that the heirs handle it personally, but all the other dragon clans disagreed.

"What sort of vassal wouldn't support their lord in battle?" they said. Dragons, though beings of immense power, were often slaves to their own pride.

Zeran nodded as he gok agreed, his expression was firm. "For the glory of our kind, and the future of our world."

Kaelan raised his fist into the air, the wind whipping at his scales.

"For Lord Hazerion! For the Dragonkind!"

A thunderous roar echoed from the thousands of dragons gathered behind him, their voices shaking the very air. The ground trembled as they beat their wings all together.

In the distance, the opposing army of dragons could be seen, a dark cloud against the blood- red sky. Their leader, the prideful General Alexei Von Valor-Void, rode at the front on a massive obsidian dragon, its eyes glowing with a bright purple light.

Alexei raised his own hand, silencing his own troops. The world held its breath as the two generals locked eyes across the battlefield.

"General Kaelan," Alexei boomed, his voice laced with arrogance, "you fight a losing battle. Your lord is weak and indecisive. He does not have the strength or the will to lead our kind."

Kaelan narrowed his eyes. "Lord Hazerion is a wise and compassionate leader," he countered. "He will unite the dragons, not tear them apart like your lord seek to do."

"With his power, he could protect everyone."

Alexei scoffed. "Spare me your empty words. True power lies in strength, not hiding behind some shield, hoping for the best. Only Lord Hamerion can lead us to victory against the encroaching darkness."

Silence fell over the battlefield. The dragons on both sides awaited their commanders' orders. Kaelan knew there would be no turning back. This war, this senseless conflict, had to end


He raised his voice, his words echoing over the battlefield.

He wanted to see if he could talk sense into these prideful creatures.

"For too long, we have fought amongst ourselves!" he roared. "While the true enemy, the encroaching darkness, grows stronger with every passing moment. We are dragons! We are the protectors of this world! Will we allow our pride to be our downfall?"