Chapter 111: A need For Urgency

Chapter 111: A need For Urgency

Ren stood by the entrance of the makeshift fortress, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the horizon.

The vast expanse of the wastelands stretched out before him, the harsh landscape lit by the faint light of the moon.

In the distance, a small dot began to grow larger, drawing Ren's attention. He watched it carefully, recognizing the sleek body frame of an approaching aircraft. A soft beep in his earpiece followed, indicating an incoming transmission.

"Ren, this is the pick-up team. We're en route to your location. Estimated arrival in five minutes," a calm, female voice spoke through the earpiece.

Ren nodded to himself, his eyes never leaving the approaching aircraft.

"Copy that," he replied. "We'll be ready for you."

He turned back towards the inside of the fortress, where the rest of his team was beginning to settle in for the night.

"Heads up, everyone," Ren called out, his tone serious but not harsh. "The pick-up team is on their way. Just keep an eye out while I and the captain talk."

Hiroshi looked up from his spot against the wall, his eyes half-open with exhaustion.

"Already? They must be eager to get their hands on the loot."

Razogrin grunted as he agreed, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.

"Not surprised." He glanced over at Alister, noticing he was still sleeping. "Tsk... The kid is a deep sleeper."

"You can't blame him, though. I'm sure controlling a mythical drake to hunt monsters down would be exhausting for anyone," Hiroshi said as he slowly stood up.

Ren then walked away.

Seraphine nodded. "Good. Just keep in mind that the other guilds, especially the Reapers, aren't even sleeping."

Ren's eyes widened slightly. "What? They're still out there?"

Seraphine gave him a pointed look. "Yeah, they are going totally bananas out there. You can check for yourself. Your suit's live stream function should give you a pretty good view of what everyone else is up to."

With a quick click of his mod, Ren activated the live stream on his suit, projecting a series of feeds onto a holographic display. His eyes scanned through the streams, showing scenes of combat. The Blue Seals, Berserkers, and Red Phoenix were also still in the field, pushing their limits as they tore through the wasteland's hordes.

Ren let out a low sigh. "They're really not holding back..."

Seraphine crossed her arms. "And it's only going to get tougher. Word is the guild masters haven't even joined the raid yet. They're still back in the city, locked in some kind of meeting with the Union President. Once they arrive, things are going to kick into high gear."

Ren's jaw tightened as he processed her words. "So we've only seen the beginning."


"Make sure your team's ready for it."

As she spoke, two more figures emerged from the aircraft-the explosive duo, none other

than Axel and Blitz.

Axel, walking out, immediately noticed the countless corpses laying around, he let out a low


"Looks like you guys really did a number on the monsters today."

Blitz, not one to be left out, spoke up with a grin. "Yeah, where's that spot Alister raided by himself? Bro took down a whole horde!"