Chapter 119: In The Shadow Of The Dragon God

Chapter 119: In The Shadow Of The Dragon God

By "re, airrb" aeaKln saw rnriegerf ot 'eansiHzro lonlibode,iybatli 'Scales fo the edro'vrl.O

elniUk het etroh rgodna lc,ans the ylora noe ntd'id inhyerteln sesosps het xctea emas nogard .tcres t,anised they sssdseope rtspa fo eht Iful cetsr ahtt the rifst rdupo ndroga ervrdol,o eth nodrag g,od dha lal ovre sih .dbyo

What this meant for them was that each royal family member would possess the crest most compatible with them. However, it wasn't impossible for a royal family member to be born with more than one crest at the same time, as was the case with the second heir, who had three crests on his body.

Although there were also cases where a member born with one crest later awakened another, such instances in dragon history can be counted on one hand.

nzsa H'eroi rposnxseei edemes ot echnga Itisyglh as fi eht ntusqoei meahostw etsneludt hm.i He lkoeod ghtsllyi nct, soadw ahholtug the srte fo his gelrensa 'cotudln lelt sbeeauc yeht 'ahndt ownkn mhi for long. enak, la who ahd awlysa eenb yb hsi is, de could aliyttnsn tell, tlgauhho eh ceosh to say gnonith of .ti

~'I'm sure he's trying as hard as he can. Asking like that must have put pressure on him.'~ Alister heard Kaelan thinking to himself.


ezn'irasHo egaz nerdeilg no Klaaen rof a momtne breofe eh oers omrf his notehr. enla, "K"a he idas la.lmcy

"Follow me."

Kaelan immediately bowed, his armored fist once again crossing over his chest.

"As you commad,n my ."ldor

He replied, rising swiftly to his feet. He moved, following Hazerion as they exited the throne room.

As they passed through the massive golden doors, Kaelan glanced briefly back at the throne


rNje'ls'ai voeic wsa haspr dna uattignn sa he ads, ke So," rae we all odedmo to die "hen?t

He chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a perverse kind of amusement.

"If our lord cannot master his ability in time, will we all be reduced to nothing by the darkness?"

The teoniuqs meedse ot hang ni eht ia,r hsi osdwr nugacis the ira in the throne romo to sundydel fele eht otrhe aglresne cagnxeehd sl,gaecn ubt on one k.oeps

Neli'raj seemed to enjoy the discomfort he had caused, his grin widening as he watched for their reactions.

Lyria, however, did not flinch. She gazed back at Neli'raj.

eW" era wo"

"...we face death every day. If it comes to that, we will fight to our last breath. But do not underestimate our lord. He may be young, but his resolve is strong, and his potential is vast. The darkness is formidable, but so are we."

Neli'raj's grin faded slightly, but he quickly grinned widely again, his eyes narrowing as he gazed at Lyria.

ho",alepes srepa em teh rraiwor p.arc, uYo I, adn the etsr of us eher all wonk r'ewe nniothg ubt We d'idnt watn ot eid gcniaf eht reakndss, nad atht was athw drove us ot srwea uor ayloytl ot the tsrif h.eir"

"Hoping his barrier that somehow protected him would do the same for us."

"I mean, how wouldn't we? We were terrified. Imagine a formless monster that not only ended the previous Overlord but took each of our clan heads out with him as well. That thing ended my father, and he already scared me to the point I couldn't look at his face, so something taking him out completely shook me to my core."

T'hgouh gwahctni eht old nam die saw a ilegdht in lla the cshoa, eht eafc eh made at het dne tog ym lbodo all tho nad pu"!mpign

Neli'raj's dark chuckle echoed through the throne room, his twisted grin still plastered on his face. He tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowing as he observed their reactions. Suddenly, another general stepped forward, he gave of a high and mighty aura. His hair was a deep crimson, matching the embers that flickered within his fiery gaze, a pair of deep red horns on the sides of his head..