Chapter 234 Chapter234-Kidnapping

Howard's words left both Kellman and Tina utterly bewildered, unable to comprehend his intentions.

However, Kellman soon made a startling connection, his eyes widening in disbelief as he turned to Howard.

"Are you planning to target Kaedwyn himself?"

Howard had mentioned earlier that the innkeeper resembled Kaedwyn, suggesting a significant connection between them.

Moreover, considering the location of the inn - isolated, desolate, and frequented by Night Demons - it was improbable for an old man to live alone in such a place.

It could very well be one of Kaedwyn's hideouts or even his main base.

Realizing this, Kellman broke out in a cold sweat.

If his suspicions were correct, Howard's plan to use the old man against Kaedwyn was incredibly risky.

Howard confirmed with a smile, "Exactly. Even if this place isn't Kaedwyn's main base, it's surely one of their outposts. And if this innkeeper has been placed here by Kaedwyn, it indicates his significant standing in Kaedwyn's eyes."

Changing the subject, Howard added, "Commander Kellman, what do you think are our chances of escaping if Kaedwyn is determined to hunt us down with all his might?"

Previously, Howard had thought escaping Kaedwyn would be nearly impossible, but upon further reflection, he realized his error.

The existence of the inn itself was a testament to Kaedwyn's familiarity with the terrain.

And the fact that Kaedwyn could block all routes to Holy Light City indicated he had a large number of men at his disposal.

This realization was frightening - if Kaedwyn resolved to relentlessly pursue them, scattering his forces to hunt down the trio, their situation would be perilous indeed.

It seemed as if fate was lending a hand to Howard, leading him to this place.

By capturing the innkeeper, they could potentially hold leverage over Kaedwyn, should they encounter him in the future. n(/O--V)-E-)L-)B..1-.n

But Howard's plan didn't stop there.

If he could take the old man into Holy Light City, they could turn a passive situation into an active one.

As Howard had analyzed, the innkeeper was a person of great importance to Kaedwyn, possibly even his father.

Would Kaedwyn consider paying a ransom?

If so, wouldn't that be a significant profit?

In this way, not only could they turn danger into safety, but they could also gain a substantial advantage.

Kellman, with his wealth of experience, had already guessed Howard's intentions.

It was a solid plan.

If successful, upon their return to Holy Light City, he would have enough resources to rebuild the Frostwolf Mercenaries and eliminate the Black Hawk Mercenaries, the scourge of banditry.


It was an enormous risk.

If things didn't go smoothly, the consequences would be dire.

So far, Kaedwyn had not been pushed to his limits in their confrontations.

Although they had killed members of the Black Hawk Mercenaries, it probably hadn't enraged Kaedwyn too much.

However, what Howard proposed would deeply offend Kaedwyn.

Kellman couldn't make this decision lightly.

Howard continued, "Commander Kellman, if we don't take this risk, will we just let these people continue robbing others on this road? Have you considered what others, fleeing for their lives, face here? Even you, the renowned leader of the Frostwolf Mercenaries, have been brought to such a dire situation by Kaedwyn. What about them? What have they faced?"

It was the look of a predator eyeing its prey.

For a moment, Kaedwyn had even felt the absurd illusion that Howard could annihilate them with just a puff of breath.

Although he found this notion laughable - after all, Howard had fled in a dire state last time - the feeling of Howard's overwhelming strength was undeniable and intensely palpable.

However, since his targets had already escaped, pondering over these thoughts served no purpose for Kaedwyn now.

Fortunately, the day's loot had been fruitful.

They had robbed some treasures and captured a wild boar, a rare treat for a feast upon their return.

With Night Demons rampant, livestock had become increasingly scarce, making the meat of a wild boar more precious than gold.

Most animals were either dead or left as rotting carcasses and bones, making a living wild boar a rare find indeed.

Kaedwyn was particularly elated today.

He planned to visit his father and have him prepare a lavish feast to reward his men.

Everyone was looking forward to it, aware of Kaedwyn's father's culinary skills, once a renowned chef in Holy Light City.

At this moment, everyone was in high spirits.


After scouring the inn, Howard and his companions knew they couldn't linger.

They quickly departed with the old man in tow.

Of course, they couldn't just leave without sending a message to Kaedwyn.

Before leaving, Howard had the old man write a letter to Kaedwyn, stating he was in Kellman's hands.

To ensure his father's safety, Kaedwyn was instructed not to pursue them and to deliver six carts full of treasures to a designated location within three days, or else they would harm the old man.

This was the first time Tina had been involved in a kidnapping, and she felt uneasy.

Though they were punishing evil and promoting good, something about it felt inherently strange.

She wasn't alone in her discomfort; even Commander Kellman was struggling to adapt.

The Frostwolf Mercenaries had always operated with honor and integrity, resorting to such underhanded methods only out of desperation.

To stop the Black Hawk Mercenaries from further harming people and to rebuild the Frostwolf Mercenaries, they had no choice but to proceed with this plan.

Seeing their dispirited demeanor, Howard offered a wry smile.

"Commander Kellman, Miss Tina, you needn't feel guilty. Think about how many people Kaedwyn and his men have harmed."

"I plan not only to seize Kaedwyn's wealth but also to rid the world of this menace."

His bold declaration startled everyone.

Kill Kaedwyn?

Such a feat seemed impossible.

They had all witnessed Kaedwyn's formidable strength; even together, the three of them could only hope to defend themselves, let alone contend with his numerous followers.

Howard's ambition to not only take Kaedwyn's wealth but also to eliminate him seemed like a far-fetched dream.

The tightly bound old man, following behind, sighed.

He spoke to Howard, "I knew this day would come eventually, just didn't expect it so soon. Young man, I can tell you're no ordinary person. Your thoughts seem honed by many trials and tribulations."

Kellman and Tina strongly agreed with the old man's observation; Howard indeed had an air of mystery about him.

"Are you trying to plead for Kaedwyn's mercy?"