Chapter 488 489-Some Disturbing Discoveries

Chapter 488 Chapter489-Some Disturbing Discoveries

Stepping forward, he executed a vertical slash.

As the yellow light dissipated, with a sharp wailing sound, the white shadow gradually vanished.

"Is that it?" Howard looked around, no new white shadow appeared.

"That's it? You wish. This is just the beginning!"

Nula retrieved a palm-sized mirror from her pouch, with silver light pulsing on its surface.

"The defense system here isn't just one spirit; it's a cycle system that uses free-floating mana to continuously generate spirits!"

Nula's words served as a signal, and the moment they fell, piercing shrieks ensued.

One after another, white shadows appeared within the hall, their numbers surpassing thirty in just two breaths' time.

Among them were even more indistinct, slender grey figures, whose hands had shed their fingers, transforming completely into blade-like forms.

Howard slowly stepped back, aligning himself with Nula, and asked, "In a situation like this, at a time like this, do you have any contingency plans we could consult?"

"Yes." Nula nodded.

"Exterminate them!"

Nula's words acted as a signal once more, and the instant they were uttered, shrill screams erupted again.

One after another, white shadows manifested inside the hall, with their quantity swiftly exceeding thirty in merely the time it takes for two breaths.

Among these were even more vague, skinny grey figures, whose hands had forsaken their digits, turning utterly into the shape of blades.

"Heh," Howard chuckled dryly, "Is there really no other way?"

"If there was, I would have mentioned it by now!" Nula's expression was sour.

"Do you think I enjoy dealing with these beings, uncertain if they are alive or dead?"

Howard paused for a moment, then with a swift step, his Ripper Mk II in hand, he swept horizontally, pushing back a spirit that lunged directly at him.

Several screeches sounded at once, but Howard, with his agility, remained unaffected.

He moved with nimble steps, repelling the approaching spirits one after another, and even found opportunities to counterattack.

Meanwhile, Nula's situation appeared quite different...

The fear lurking in the depths of her heart seemed to only fuel her emotions further, as mana flowed from her without concern for conservation.

Astonishingly, Nula directly used mana to weave a net aimed at disrupting the cores of the spirits.

These so-called cores are crucial for maintaining a spirit's stable existence.

Destroying a core means even the mightiest spirit will dissipate into nothingness.

However, the stronger the spirit, the more concealed its core tends to be, evolving towards a pure mana state.

Once a core attains a mana form, all known methods of core destruction become ineffective.

It's not to say such spirits are invincible, but for humans, they undeniably represent the most formidable foes.

Given the inherent fragility of spirits, their cores are not particularly robust.

Not a single spirit remained in sight.

However, the nearest bookshelf, too, had been torn asunder, its half completely shredded, with countless rune signages scattered across the floor in the aftermath of the calming storm.

Though the Whirlwind Strike's direct attack range was limited, the influence of the generated tempest knew no bounds.

Given the spirits' inherently light weight, they were easily gathered together and annihilated by Howard in a single move.

"When did you learn that? Quite an impressive move," Nula commented, not lowering her guard, surveying their surroundings while protectively standing near Howard.

She nudged his shoulder with a glance.

The effectiveness of Howard's move, achieving a complete wipeout, owed partly to the spirits' peculiar nature.

However, even against foes other than spirits, this technique could significantly disorient opponents.

The mana blades, hidden within the tempest, lay in wait for an opportune moment to strike.

If Howard could precisely control the trajectory of these mana blades, even a magus of equal standing might fall victim to a surprise attack.

Compared to the lethal mana blades, the human body is undeniably fragile.

The best response to such an expansive attack would be defense, conserving mana to hold one's ground, waiting for the storm to subside before seizing an opportunity to turn the tide.

"Just a few days ago, I saw a move from Greg, and that inspired me," Howard explained, catching his breath as it gradually evened out.

"Right now, I can't fully control it, and the mana consumption is quite substantial. If the enemy weren't spirits, I wouldn't use it."

This technique was still in its nascent stages, and Howard's assessment of it mirrored Nula's.

With the spirits vanquished, the battle seemed to come to a pause.

The pair didn't rush to gather the rune signages; instead, they stayed put, focusing on mana recovery.

For a magus, mana is always paramount, regardless of the circumstances.

A magus without mana is merely an ordinary person with superior physical fitness.

Fortunately, the mana richness in their current environment allowed for a swift recovery.

Although Nula had expended more mana initially due to her direct engagement with the spirits using a mana net, her understanding and affinity for mana were several folds higher than Howard's.

Despite the greater consumption, she recovered quicker than Howard and stood up before him.

Less than two breaths after Nula had fully recovered, Howard too opened his eyes, ceasing his mana absorption.

He hadn't returned to his peak condition, but given his different approach to combat compared to Nula, his immediate mana needs were not as critical and could be replenished gradually.

Upon opening his eyes, Howard immediately sought out Nula and walked over to her, asking curiously, "Found anything?"

He posed the question because he noticed Nula meticulously examining the rune signages with a serious expression.

"Some disturbing discoveries," Nula paused before rising.

"The rune configurations on these rune signages are unlike anything I've ever seen.

The people from Eternal Flame have altered the structure of runes.

Now, these signages do more than just absorb and store mana; they also serve to form part of a larger structure."