Chapter 323

Yun Ke'er felt a little sour in his mouth and said: "in fact, you want to show off that you have a good son in front of me."

Jiang Xuan blinked innocently: "how can it be?"

Yun Ke'er snorted: "what's the situation over there?"

The smile on Jiang Xuan's face all converged: "it can be transferred to the general ward after three days. During this period, there is only one hour of visiting time every day."

Yunke'er patted her on the shoulder: "at least everything is getting better."

"Yes." Jiang Xuan took her hand.

"Aunt Kerr." Rong Ning came in at this time. As soon as he opened the food box, the smell of meat filled the air and made people smell it. Jiang Xuan couldn't help swallowing.

Rong Ning found that he deliberately took the meal out slowly and put it not far away from jiangluo: "Fengwei shark fin, Hongmei Zhuxiang, Pipa prawns, crystal arrowhead stewed with sea rice are all the dishes that aunt Ke'er likes to eat. Come and have a try."

Yun Ke'er took a look at Jiang Xuan: "good."

She picked up a shrimp on purpose and praised it in her tone: "Wow, this shrimp is bright in the sun. It must taste good, huh Sure enough, good taste are locked into the meat, bite, juice burst out, fresh I want to swallow the tongue. Come on, Anning, try one, too. "

She did not forget to look at Jiang Xuan, her eyes were full of schadenfreude: "ah Xuan, don't just watch us eat, you also eat, or the porridge will be hard to drink when it's cold."

Jiang Xuan

Cloud can son unexpectedly also intentionally make her, want this sister to have what use.

"Anning ~" Jiang Xun asked softly, "can I have another dinner?"

"I specially prepared this for Mommy, but you don't like it, Mommy. Sure enough..." When Rong Ning talked about the back, he was almost ready to cry. Jiang Xun quickly surrendered: "no change, no change."

Rong Ning is about to fall down tears a close: "that you drink quickly."

At the tip of his nose is an attractive fragrance, but in front of him is a real Coptis. As soon as he grits his teeth, he takes a deep breath and drinks the porridge with his breath held. Suddenly, the bitter taste breaks out in his taste buds. In a trance, he almost thinks that he has walked around in this way.

Rong Ning raised his hand a little, as if to stop, but Jiang Xuan had put down the empty bowl, and he quickly put it away.

Yunke'er, who received Jiang's help, deliberated: "Anning, your mother already knows that she is wrong. We adults have a lot of them. How about giving her a chance to correct them?"

Rong Ning snorted and turned his face aside.

It's so hard.

Yun Ke'er gives Jiang Xuan a look of helplessness. When he turns his head to enjoy his wonderful dinner, he suddenly finds that there is a bowl of things in the food box, and immediately picks his eyebrows.

Open a look, is a bowl of light vegetable porridge.

Yun Ke'er deliberately lengthened his voice: "look what I found. Ah Ning, why did you buy an extra bowl of porridge? "

Rong Ning still looked out of the window: "I didn't buy it. It's from them."

"Well. Then I'll give it to your mommy. You don't mind

"It's none of my business to send. I'm full. I'm going to see the scenery. " Rong Ning said, jumped out of the chair and went out.

"Right and wrong." Yun Ke'er said, "when you just had porridge, Anning seemed to want to stop you, but I didn't expect you to finish it all in one breath."

Jiang Xun rubbed his side face, which was so bitter that he almost didn't feel it. His tone was proud: "I knew that my family Anning has always been soft hearted."

Yun Ke'er's teeth are sour for a while. He feels that what he just ate is not dinner, but a real lemon. It's going to kill her.


Rong Ning's temper comes fierce and goes fast. When Rong Jing is transferred to the ordinary ward, Jiang Xuan coaxes people almost.

Even if these days can see Rong Jing, but Jiang Xuan still can't hide the joy and excitement in his heart.

There is no need to worry that he will be suddenly pushed into the emergency room, and there is no need to count the time when we meet.

"Ah Jing, how are you feeling now? Is the sun too harsh? Is the bed uncomfortable? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Is the arm uncomfortable? "

make complaints about this series of questions, and Rong Yun did not speak, and Rong Ning first Tucao: "Mommy, why do you suddenly become so wordy, so many questions, let Jing answer that one first?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Rongjing holds Jiang's hand, which reminds Jiang of the warmth of holding her tightly and bringing her back to the world when she was trapped.

"I'm not in these days. Please contact the assistant for me."

"At this time, do you still have to deal with the work?"

Rong Jing said with a smile: "just let them continue to do things according to my previous instructions."

"Really?" Thinking of this man's workaholic character, Jiang Xun didn't trust him. He helped him contact his assistant and stare at him. After he told people that everything was going according to the original plan, he constantly hinted in his eyes that it was time for him to end.

Rong Jing extremely enjoyed Jiang's feeling of worrying about his situation. "I'm not here these days. What happened to the company?"The assistant gave a brief report to Rong Jing about what happened these days.

"Anything else?"

"Er..." The assistant thought about some important things again.

"Yes." Looking at Jiang Xun pointing to the time, Rong Jing compared his mouth to the way he indicated that he should end the call. He was more happy in his heart: "what about the others?"

"This..." The assistant wiped the cold sweat on his head. He didn't understand what Rong Jing wanted to hear. Besides, it was just some small things that they could handle.

A short, powerful voice commanded, "say."

"Yes." The assistant racked his brains and said a few more things.

Seeing that his phone call is still not over, Jiang Xuan is worried. If we go on, Rong Jing can't help whispering: "ah Jing!"

Rong Jing gave her a slightly calm look.

Seeing that it would take another five minutes, Jiang couldn't help saying, "is that ok?"

"Right away." It felt so good that Rongjing was reluctant to finish.

Jiang Xuan was worried, listening to the sound of the clock, once again reminded: "ah Jing..."

The door was politely tapped twice. Jiang Xun thought it was the doctor who came to inspect the room: "please come in."

"Gracilaria..." Unexpectedly, Chen Mozhi came in. After seeing Rongjing, he stiffened and quickly recovered: "I have something to tell you. Is it convenient for me to come out?"

"Good." Jiang Xuan took a look at Rong Jing and was about to step forward. Rong Jing hung up and said, "it's the same here."

Jiang Xuan looked back: "have you finished calling?"

"Yes." Rong nodded, and his eyes fell on Chen Mozhi. In a low voice, he said, "ah Lin is not well. The doctor said she is not fit to walk."

"It's not as serious as he said." Knowing the past, Jiang Xuan has distanced himself from Chen Mozhi: "but did you find something wrong with the project?"