Chapter 59: Founding Day Festival (1)

Name:Tamed A Blackened Slave Man Author:
Chapter 59: Founding Day Festival (1)

It was the morning of the Founding Day festival.

Aren, you seem quite happy this morning. Did you perhaps have a nice dream last night?

We were having breakfast when Father made his observation, to which I smiled awkwardly in response.

Its something similar.

Hahah. Its nice to see you in a good mood.Follow current novels at

With a pleased smile, Father brought his cup of tea to his mouth.

Aren, I had actually been concerned these past days because you seemed so depressed. It looked like you were upset after Cassadin had left the house without any notice.

Have I?

Yes. But Im glad to see that youve gotten past it now.


Father placed the empty cup back on the table.

I just quietly stared at Father for a moment.



What will you do if Cassadin says he no longer wants to be a part of our family?


Father contemplated deeply for a while before answering.

I would think that he is ungrateful.

And remember him as an ungrateful bastard who ran away from our home.

Then, Father

Just as I opened my mouth, I saw the anger in Fathers expression and closed it back up. He seemed ready to use the fork in his hand to stab Cassadin if he declared that he wouldnt return to the family.

Why? You can tell me.

Please trust Cassadin, Father.

Fathers eyes narrowed slightly, but I continued regardless.

Youve also become close with Cassadin in the past several months. I am going to respect whatever decision he makes.

So dont hate him too much.

Hearing that, Father stared intently at my face. Finding his gaze uncomfortable, I turned my head slightly to the side. Maybe it was because of my kiss with Cassadin yesterday, but it felt like I had done something wrong to Father.


His low voice called my name.

By the way, whats the matter with your lips?


I hurriedly raised my hand to my lips and touched it. My lips were definitely more swollen than usual.

When my eyes widened as I continued to touch my lips, Fathers eyes narrowed even further. I coughed as I got up from my seat.

Th-thank you for the meal!

And because of that, Father started to stare at me with even more suspicion. At some point, sweat droplets started to form on my forehead.

Aren, what you have just said about Cassadin and those swollen lips

When Father started to speak with a frown, I could feel my heart drop. Feeling it shrink into a small ball, I waited for his next words.

Are you not sleeping well these days? It must worry you that Cassadin has left our home.

The tension in my body loosened. Hiding my surprise, I managed to muster up a smile to show my father.

His Grace has said that you will figure that out naturally once you follow me. He also added that nothing that could be of harm to Milady should happen, so you may rest assured.

I quietly peered up at my father after hearing the mans response. Father looked down at me with a smile and clasped his hands over mine.

Lets see what this is about.

When we followed the path that the man guided us through, we arrived at a place with a massive crowd of people that was incomparable to the square we had just been in.

In our sight was a large circular stadium that only opened during the Founding Day festival, and countless people were waiting in line to watch the games.

Isnt this the arena?

Yes, it is.

Why here?

His Grace has already prepared the tickets. He had bought two tickets for seats that have the greatest view, so it is a relief that youve come with your father.

The man called K smiled and guided us through. Passing all of the people waiting in line, he handed the bulky man standing right in front of the ticket booth two golden tickets.

After checking each side of the tickets multiple times, he slowly nodded and waved at us to follow him.

You may follow me.

When the man spoke, Damians servant K bowed to us and glanced between me and my father.

This is where my duty ends. He will be the guide to the seats, so you should follow him. But the knights cant continue from here.

The knights couldnt come in? Now, what was this about?

Why cant the knights come with us?

Because these gold tickets are reserved for royalty. Nothing dangerous will happen inside, so there is no need to worry.

Since Damians deceased father was the younger brother of the current Emperor, Damian must also be considered royalty as part of their bloodline. Seeing as he had no rights to the throne, he was still able to buy tickets that were reserved for the imperial family.

So, this must be why Damian was so obsessed with my healing abilities. Because he, a half-royal, had no idea that a healer existed.

Did His Grace really say to come to this arena?

Yes, he did.

Well, Ill see exactly why Damian asked me to come here once I go in.

Finding this entire situation strange, Father and I followed the man inside.

I commanded the knights to be on standby outside, just in case. When we entered, I found that the arena was much bigger than it had seemed from the outside.

The spectator seats were already full. Those who were unable to buy tickets were asking people with tickets to sell them their seats for more money than they had paid for.

Ill give you some more money on top of the ticket prices, so sell your seats to me.

That wont do. Ive already bought these tickets from a scalper in order to see this competition.

Darn. It looks like Im not getting seats this year either.

So the fighting competition was this popular.

I knew a fighting competition was held at the Founding Day festival, but I hadnt known of its popularity because Id never attended it. Peering around me with curiosity, I stopped at the voice of the man who had been guiding us.

This is the place. May you have an enjoyable time.

What Damians servant had said was true. These were the best seats in the entire arena.

Unlike normal seats, there were comfortable velvet chairs in place, and they were located where they had the closest and best view of the actual field.

Out of those chairs, there was a single golden chair decorated with all sorts of jewels, which someone was already occupying.

Golden hair that was identical to Crown Prince Leon. A golden crown on top of his head and a red robe around his shoulders.

There were several knights standing near the golden chair as if to guard the person sitting on it.

I thought knights werent allowed in this place, according to the man who guided us, so why are they here?

Feeling that something was strange, I narrowed my eyes and took a closer look at the knights.

The knights werent just ordinary knights, but ones from the imperial palace, and judging by the red seal of the imperial family stamped on their navy-blue epaulets, the escort knight who protected the emperor was also with them.

Wait, that meant

Your Majesty?

To my voice, the person sitting on the golden chair turned their head. Confirming the identity of the golden thrones owner, my lips parted slightly.