Chapter 398 Angel’s Wrath

Chapter 398 Angel's Wrath

[Hmmm? You...]

Suddenly, its golden eyes turned in my direction, squinting as if trying to see clearly.

[Aren't you the human that released me from the seal? Why did you call for me?]

"Oh! Angel of Death! It is I, Prince Damian of the Great Paragon Empire!"

As if interrupting the angel in the sky, the idiot prince stepped forward, his arms spread forward in a theatrical display. His voice sounded as if he were overjoyed to have gandered at its splendor.

"It is I who have called for you, esteemed one! In accordance with the ancient contract, I hereby command you to wipe out this barbaric country at once!"

[Paragon... Empire?]

The angel titled its head, as if unable to recall such a name.

[I have lived for billions of years, but it's my first time hearing that name. And even if I did know, why should I follow your orders?]


The prince's body stiffened instantly, cold sweat rolling down his forehead. I could tell that the angel was angry, and he was now suffering under the brunt of it.

"P-Please, stop joking. W-We of the Paragon Empire received this necklace from you, along with the promise of supporting us when we call you!"



From within his clothes, the prince pulled out an antique-looking necklace. Even from a glance, I could tell how much power was sleeping within that small trinket. The claim that the item came from an angel suddenly gained more credibility.

However, the angel's response was different than what he expected.

[You... Where did you get that?!]

"What the hell is that prince doing?! Does he want to destroy the world or something?!"

She cursed under her breath, staring daggers at the man, who probably would have his life forfeited due to his glib tongue.

God Zeshion was delayed a little since it took a few seconds to undo his isolation barrier. As soon as he approached us, he nodded his head while opening a teleportation portal behind him.

"Let's go. It'll be dangerous for us if we stay here."

Everyone quickly went through the portal, whose exit was in the sky directly above the southernmost wall. As we exited pretty high in the sky, we could still see the battlefield that was a few dozen kilometers away. They were so far away that they seemed like a black dot along the horizon.

"You think they'd survive?"

I asked to nobody in particular, curious. God Zeshion quickly shook his head sideways.

"I think not. Although I feel sad for having my fight interrupted, that thing is beyond even my power..."

Of course. Heck, I think that even if all of the gods, demigods, and 9th-stage tamers and monsters gathered, we'd basically still be helpless against that angel! The gap in power was just that wide!

Suddenly, a flash occurred near the horizon, surprising us.

"Oh sh—! Brace for impact!"

Zeshion shouted in panic. This was the first time I saw him panic like this, almost making me chuckle in amusement.

The three quickly set up their barriers, but I was a step too late.


The explosion beyond the horizon spread a powerful shockwave, which, upon hitting my body, sent me flying like a bullet across the entire country.

When I finally landed, I ended up rolling on the ground like a spinning top before crashing against the northernmost walls. My vision was spinning, and my body ached all over. It was as if I just received a full-on attack from a god-level monster... and that's just from the shockwaves alone!

Unable to move a single finger, I lay flat on the caved-in wall, contemplating my choices in life. If I wasn't distracted by Zeshion's panicking, then I wouldn't have felt this much pain.

'Well, as they say, regret always comes late.'

I heaved a deep sigh while calling for help from the girls. I hope they come fast...