Chapter 411 Egg of Disaster

Chapter 411 Egg of Disaster

"Fatima, what's this Egg of Disaster you're saying?"

Looking at everyone else's confused expressions, it was normal to think that Fatima alone knew what it was. She pursed her lips and gulped hard before finding the courage to speak.

"Will, you remember why I was sealed, right?"

"Hmm? Yes, of course... You were sealed along with the Void Beast to make sure that it stays sealed, right?"

Back during their time, even when all their god-tamers fought against it, they ended up unable to defeat the Void Beast. In the end, they could only take the indirect measure of sealing it away, hoping that it would be destroyed by future generations who could enter the seal.

But what is the relation of this egg to that old story...?

"Could it be?!"

A frightening thought entered my mind, and I turned to look at the Egg of Disaster once more. Before I could confirm my guess, Fatima had already given out the answer.

"Yes, that Void Beast we ended up sealing is actually a product of an Egg of Disaster."


Then this is a disaster! Back during Fatima's time, God tamers were dime a dozen. You can meet one even while walking casually down a crowded street. But now, there are only four god tamers left in this world.

"If that spawns, we're doomed!"

Even Fang understood what tragedy awaits us if that egg hatches.

"Is there no way to stop it from hatching?"

Right now, rather than wait for it to hatch, it's better to just deal with it before that happens. Fortunately, Fatima nodded her head before pointing forward.

"It's simple. You just need to destroy the egg."

I turned to look at its location and frowned. It was literally in the middle of a million god-level demon armies.

"... It wouldn't be easy to pinpoint and destroy it, huh?"


Fortunately, he didn't miss my presence. He turned around and looked down on me, a frown on his face.

[Human, what are you doing here? Supervising me? I hate to say this, but angels don't go back on their words. There's no need to watch over me.]

"Actually, we have something to request of you..."

I quickly explained the matter of the Egg of Disaster, making sure that it sounded urgent and needed immediate action.

[An egg with a black and white shell? Could it be a Void Grace?!]

And a different name came up. Well, Egg of Disaster was probably what the tamers back during Fatima's time called it, since it literally brings forth a disaster. However, to the angels, its name was probably a bit more formal.

Void Grace. I don't know why there's "grace" in its name, but the Void part does make sense. It spawns Void Beasts after all.

[If it's true, then I must hurry! Thank you for telling this to me, Human!]

After saying his thanks, he increased his pace, weaving into the demon army without taking a step back. With his speed, he should be able to reach the middle in a few moments. The reason he didn't do it was probably out of fear of getting focus-

fired while in the middle of their formation.

After all, even Archangels could die; they're not immortal.

When his back started to fade in the distance, I turned back to the portal and called.

"Alright, girls, it's safe to come out now!"

Soon after my voice reached the other side, everyone started to come out.

Ember, wearing her usual exoskeleton armor. The two big fists look extremely powerful, probably upgraded by her during her rest time.

Fang, holding her twin daggers tight on both hands, was wearing her usual black clothes, covering just her vitals.

Igni, clad in raging flames, walked onward. Each step she took left a burning footprint on the solid ground.

Fatima, with her right arm transformed into a rifle, was wearing her usual turtleneck sweater. She was completely unfit for a battlefield at a glance, but she was exuding the most killing intent among the girls.

And finally, Fina, who tagged along as support, was wearing a yellow dress that looked like it would hinder her movements.

I scanned everyone's faces, determining that they were all ready for battle.

"Alright, let's chase after the Golden Spoon!"