Chapter 460 Second Day

460 Second Day

When morning finally came, I pretended as if I were woken up by the light hitting my face. My body was stiff from staying still and all the weight above me, so moving was really hard.


I lightly groaned as I looked around, checking everyone openly. Everyone was wearing nightgowns of various colors and designs, but all had quite a risque and erotic touch to them.

"Oh, Leader! You're finally awake!"

And the first one to notice that I was awake was the one holding tight against my right thigh: Fang. I turned to her, confusion in my eyes (fake) as I asked.

"Fang...? Why am I..."

The others also woke up from our loud voice, squirming beside me as they stretched, yawning, before opening their eyes.

"Master... good morning. Did you get a nice rest~?"

"My Lord..."

"*Yawn* Good morning, Will."

"A pleasant morning to you, Sir Will."

"Hmm~ morning... Will..."


Everyone was greeting me in turn.

Well, the night was great, but rest? Nah, I didn't get one.

After a while, I started to ask everyone why I was in that place—the room that had several locks set on it—with all of them. Their explanation was chaotic, but if summarized into a single sentence, then... The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"So, you all want to have some quality time with me, thus planning this with everyone?"

"... Wait."

Why do I need to explain if I can just pass information directly to them?

After asking for their permission, I went and used the Memory Transfer function of the System, and let them have all the information I had with regards to souls. Their faces were red, but their eyes were filled with curiosity and awe.

"So that's what a soul is...!"

"Amazing... So this is... my soul?"

It didn't take them much time before they found their souls, deep inside them. After that, they both closed their eyes and began gathering energy into the center of their chests, letting it create a dense dot and expanding into a pocket dimension.

Just like that, Minerva and Hekate both succeeded in reaching the same point as Fang and Igni!

I smiled as I nodded my head approvingly.

With this, all four of them are getting closer to reaching God Level too!


However, at the same time, I worry about myself getting left behind. Currently, I'm still more powerful than the girls, with Ember almost matching me in terms of energy quantity alone.

I'm not sure how she did that, but well, that happened a short while after I hadn't seen her. And with the rate of her growth, I'm guessing she'll overtake me too in no time.

'If Fang, Igni, and the others reach God level too, then I...'

I quickly shook my head, trying to chase away the grim thoughts in my head. After gathering my wits, I went back to Fatima and the others and checked up on their states.

Fatima was still trying to break through to the 8th stage slowly; she was not rushing it. She's gathering as much energy as she can and trying to refine it, just like Ember, wishing to reach a higher realm than she had been to before. Fina, Yorm, and Judy were still practicing their skills while doing light sparring with each other. Their energy control and their skill mastery were slowly increasing as they did.

The succubus girls were still doing the training method I told them yesterday, showing that they weren't slacking off at all.

Seeing everyone act busy like this, even I was starting to feel like training. After looking for a vacant spot nearby, I sat down and started to meditate.

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