Chapter 470 Nothing Happened... Right?

470 Nothing Happened... Right?

Today was the sixth day of our one-week break, and tomorrow is the time we're returning to our usual daily lives. As such, taking it easy, as it was the last day, should be fine.

I went around the dining hall, covering the girls with blankets to hide their bodies from plain sight. After all, I'm starting to have trouble watching such an enticing scene spread before me.

After that, I returned to my room—not the one with tons of locks—and laid down on my bed.

My headache hasn't dissipated, and although I wanted to use an anti-hangover potion, we don't have stock of it on hand. One is that Fina told me not to rely on it too much, and another is that I wasn't expecting that even I would get a hangover.

After a while, I decided to refresh myself in the bath.

Dipping in warm water should help me clear my hangover. I hope.

After undressing and wrapping a towel around my waist, I entered the door leading to the wide hot spring bath.

"Oh, Fatima... and Fina."

And, to my surprise, I wasn't the first to come there.

I knew Fina had some alcohol tolerance, so it wasn't weird for her to be here, but Fatima seemed to be relatively fine too. The two turned their heads, smiling as they watched me dip at a spot close to the entrance.

"Ahhh, that hits the spot..."

The hotspring was large, enough that it could fit everyone with space to spare. Fatima and Fina were at the other end chatting before I entered but moved to my side as soon as I settled down.

"Will, you're up early. Did you enjoy last night?"

Fina asked with a smile while she tried to press her shoulders against mine. Her supple skin, warmed by the hot water, was honestly making me feel at ease.

"Right, what did I do last night? From the aftermath I saw, I could take a guess, though..."

"Ah, that?"

Fatima, to my right, chuckled lightly.

"It's not what you think, for sure."

The two of them slowly recounted what happened last night. Apparently, after I got drunk, we played various games with bets. The one that lasted the longest was the rock-paper-scissors tournament, where the losing side would take off one piece of their clothes each time.

"You were unbeatable! What trick were you using, really?"

Well, I can't blame her, since science in the current world isn't that advanced. Although it was common sense that males have XY chromosomes, while a female has XX, she didn't know about such things.

Fatima smiled, as if realizing her mistake, and changed the way she explained it.

"In short, the seal weakened his body, causing it to turn into a woman's body. Then, after getting unsealed, he returned to his original male body gradually."

The way she worded it made it sound like a woman is weaker than a man, but well... Either way, I placed a hand on my chin, thinking.

"If I got sealed by the [666 Chains of Demon's Grasp] too, will I also turn into a woman? Or is it just because he's an angel that it happened?"



Fatima and Fina turned to my face, their expressions a little indescribable. It was as if they were cringing at the idea I just said.

"Will... I didn't realize you have fantasies of becoming a woman..."

"Should we teach you about a woman's body? Come and explore every nook and cranny of mine then~!"

"W-Wait, no! I don't want to turn into a woman! Come on, I don't have such weird fantasies!"

Before Fina could make a move toward me, a few more figures entered the bath. As expected, it wasn't any of the girls who were weak to alcohol, but some of the succubus tamers.

All of them noticed my presence, and as if recalling something embarrassing, their faces turned bright red as they averted their gaze.


I was puzzled by their reaction, causing me to turn to Fina and Fatima in turn, asking them with a silent stare.

We "only" played strip rock-paper-scissors, right...?

The two realized what I was asking but stayed silent, only smiling, as they snuggled to my sides.

"Wait, did something really happen...?!"

Now I'm confused!

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