"Wait a minute!" Park Min Ho can't wait to hold Luo Xiwei's hand. It's strange that park Min Ho didn't know why. Pulling her, he felt his heart beat more than ever before.

Luo Xiwei looked back and put her hand back timidly: "what else can I do for you?"

"Do you have a place to go?" Park Min Ho asked with some concern.

Luo Xiwei shakes her head: "No

"What are you going to do?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"I don't know." Luo Xiwei doesn't know where she should go, but the only thing for sure is that she can't stay here. This is not her rented house, not her territory.

"I'll let you the house." Said Park Min Ho.

"What?" Luo Xiwei once again looked at the house, so exquisite decoration, park Min Ho just said, even if it is to rent a single room, I'm afraid it will cost thousands of dollars, I'm afraid it's not enough to pay all the wages for a month. Renting this house is a sky high price for her. Luo Xiwei diligently shook his head, "forget it, I'd better look for another house. It's too expensive here."

"Six hundred a month!" Park Min Ho can't wait to say, afraid that Luo Xiwei will run away.

"Six hundred?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao suspiciously, "do you really intend to rent your bathroom to me?"

"No, I have a single room here." Park Min Ho said, "if you are really homeless, you can live with me first. If you find it inconvenient, you can find another place later. The most important thing for you now is to settle down. What's more, you are a girl's family, and you are so stupid. Can you carry so much luggage? "

"But..." Luo Xiwei is a little worried. After all, park Min Ho is a man! What should he do if he takes advantage of his own inattention? Isn't her innocence, which she has kept for more than 20 years, destroyed? She was with jonet for four years. How many sins did she suffer in those four years to persuade Jonah not to touch her bottom line? How can you live with a man for rent now? What if I give myself to him? After thinking about it for a long time, she finally asked, "do you live here, too?"

"This is my house. Of course I live here." Said Park Min Ho.

Luo Xiwei's look was a little flustered. She stood at the door hesitantly, afraid to step into the door again. You know, once she did, she agreed to live in the same house with Park Min Ho. And this is what people call cohabitation?

"You're not thinking about what's going on with you again?" Park Min Ho seemed to have guessed her mind. He opened the door of the empty room. "Don't hesitate. If I were really a bad person, I wouldn't have left so easily in the morning, and what you worried about would have happened this morning. But since it didn't happen in the morning, it means I'm not the kind of bad guy you think I am. So, what else do you have to worry about? "

"All right." Luo Xiwei finally softened down, "but I don't have money now. Can the rent be extended for a few days?"

"Let me have your two thousand and four hundred dollars." Park Min Ho said, "you don't have to pay the rent for the first three months."

"How can this be done?" Said Luo Xiwei.

"I said yes." Park Min Ho overbearing over Luo Xiwei's luggage, cheek slowly close to her, and look at her with haughty eyes, "you can."

Luo Xiwei, like an obedient lamb, came into Park minhao's room.

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