"There's something I think you need." Park Min Ho said coldly.

"What?" Luo Xiwei asked suspiciously.

"I told you at home that our company needs a secretary." With that, a bad smile appeared on Park Min Ho's face.

"I'm not going!" Luo Xiwei didn't think about it carefully and blurted out.

"Aren't you looking for a job? Why not? " Asked Park Min Ho.

"I don't want to be a secretary." Luo Xiwei replied cheerfully.

"You must be wrong." "What our company needs is a secretary who works hard, not a secretary who shows off his legs," Park said

Luo Xiwei's face was unhappy: "I will not go."

"Again." Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei carefully, "with your figure, you can only be a secretary who works hard. Even if you look good-looking and pure, but you look at your figure, do you have a height of more than 1.68 meters? Do you have long legs? Do you have enough slender waist? Do you have a charming eye? Look at your confused and listless eyes. It's really impossible to imagine anything at all. "

Luo Xiwei glanced at Park Min Ho: "since you look at me like this, I don't want to go. Isn't it just in your favor?"

"Luoxiwei!" Park Min Ho raised his voice, "I'm giving you a chance!"

"But I don't need such an opportunity." Luo Xiwei said, "if I entered yanmiao group like this and became a secretary, others still think that I went in by your relationship? What do people think? Now some people know that you and I are roommates. In the future, if I go to be a secretary, and there are some students here who have also applied for the internship of yanmiao group, will not the whole company know that you and I are roommates? In this way, what kind of relationship do people think we are? "

"Well done, well done, why care about other people's opinions?" Park Min Ho said, "besides, you will be my woman sooner or later."

"No way!" Luo Xiwei firmly denied Tao. Although Luo Xiwei had some admiration for park Min Ho, now, park Min Ho is the president of yanmiao group, and their status is very different. Luo Xiwei says nothing and is willing to be with such a person who needs to make her look up to very hard.

"Then we'll see." Park Min Ho said, "Lo HSI Wei, I said that if you don't accept my help, you will regret it!"

"I don't need your help." Luo Xiwei vetoed, "I'm going to apply now." With that, Luo Xiwei turned to walk into the hall.

"It's no use. All of them are interns, and graduates are not allowed to apply. " Park Min Ho said coldly.

"Then I will apply for an intern!" Luo Xiwei stopped and said in defiance.

"Interns have no salary, what do you take to survive?" Park Min Ho said, "some jobs earn 300 a month. I'm afraid you'll have to eat my cooking. And if you eat my cooking again What did you promise me, you know. "

Luo Xi Wei Leng in situ, toward the foot of the auditorium to take a step.

"It's better to accept my help and be my secretary than to apply for an intern." Park Min Ho said, "isn't it? At least, as a secretary, I don't have to be my girlfriend. If you apply for an intern by your own efforts, you will be forced to be my girlfriend one day

It seems that Park Min Ho has a little truth!

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