Back home, Luo Xiwei went to visit the website of yanmiao group. She will drag the mouse to "group recruitment" on the four words, gently point in.

Yanmiao group is recruiting people as expected. However, Luo Xiwei carefully browsed, it seems that all positions require a master's degree or above, or a key undergraduate course plus more than three years of relevant work experience.

Luo Xiwei, who just graduated from University, is only qualified for the four words of "key undergraduate", which is not in line with having a master's degree or more than three years of relevant work experience. Don't say it is relevant experience, even unrelated experience, she has no! On the other hand, she didn't even meet the primary educational requirements. Therefore, even to apply for a job, I'm afraid it will be canceled in the first round.

At this moment, park Min Ho suddenly quietly walked behind Luo Xiwei. A man's breath came from Park Minho's nose, and it was hot and hot. It floated to Luo Xiwei's back neck, which made Luo Xiwei itch.

"When did you come back?" Luo Xiwei was really shocked by the sudden appearance of Park Min Ho, "why do you walk without sound every time?"

"I'm back a long time ago." Park Min Ho held two cups of freshly brewed coffee in his hand, and put one of them on Luo Xiwei's right hand side. "This is the coffee I just made. Try how it tastes."

"No way! When I just came back, I saw that there was no one in your room, which means you came back later than me. And during the time I was here surfing the Internet, I didn't see you coming back from outside, nor did I hear the sound of closing the door. " Have a good taste of bitter! She asked Park Min Ho seriously, "how on earth did you get in? Climb the window She looked around, and it seemed impossible to climb in through the window. After all, outside the window was the sky, not the corridor.

"When you came back, you saw no one in my room?" Park Min Ho said with a bad smile, "how do you know that there is no one in my room? Are you peeping at me? How else would you know if there was anyone in my room? "

"I..." Luo Xiwei felt that she couldn't argue. She was really curious to see if Park Min Ho had come back. However, what she just said revealed that she was really paying attention to him!

What a shame! Luo Xiwei's face was suffused with a burst of red, faltering and unable to speak.

"Didn't you smell the coffee from the kitchen when you came in?" Park Min Ho took his coffee in front of Luo Xiwei and gently shook it. All of a sudden, all kinds of factors emanate from the coffee, occupying all the space around them.

Fragrance overflows! Luo Xiwei likes the taste very much. It seems that she has heard it when she bought milk tea in a milk tea shop. Fragrant, sweet, bitter and astringent. But, except for those drinks that claim to be coffee on the supermarket shelves, she has never drunk freshly ground coffee!

"I didn't smell it when I came back." Luo Xiwei replied absentmindedly, and began to feel a little flustered, because when she looked at Park Min Ho carefully, park Min Ho was also looking at her very seriously, and his head was slowly approaching her again.

Why is he here again? Do you want to have a "wall Dong" again? Or do you want to do too much for yourself? Luo Xiwei's heart was uneasy, and she felt at a loss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!