Luo Xiwei came to the police station with Park minhao and Guo Xuemin.

This is Luo Xiwei's first visit to the police station in her life, and she feels uneasy. Looking at all the people in the police station, Luo Xiwei is holding her fist tightly and dare not look around casually.

However, park Min Ho, who was arrested by Guo Xuemin, is a relaxed and complacent person, as if this is his home. He did not seem to have any worries, as if he was not afraid of being detained for "molesting" good women in public.

See Luo Xi Wei a face nervous look, park min pick considerate ground to hold Luo Xi Wei's hand: "Wei Wei, don't be afraid, I'm in."

Ah? Luo Xiwei suddenly remembered that it was because she was afraid that park Min Ho would really be arrested. Out of uneasiness, she came to help him speak good words. However, she didn't want to ask Park minhao to comfort her not to be nervous. It was a shame.

She clearly does not need to be nervous. After all, Guo Xuemin caught Park minhao, not Luo Xiwei.

Guo Xuemin walked into his office. He put down his luggage, carefully arranged the documents on the desk, and sat down: "what's your name?"

"Park Min Ho."

Guo Xuemin carefully recorded: "which park, which min, which pick?"

"Park Min Ho's Park, park Min Ho's Min Ho, park Min Ho's pick." Park Min Ho said freely.

"Mr. Park Min Ho, please be more serious." Guo Xuemin said solemnly, holding a A4 form in one hand and a black signing pen in the other.

With a helpless look on his face, park minhao robustly snatched the A4 paper and the signature pen from Guo Xuemin's hand, and signed his name earnestly.

It's not too much to say it's wild grass. Park Min Ho has long developed a good hand of Chinese characters, which is used in all major events.

"Oh, it's well written. It's quite cultural." Guo Xuemin said.

"Master of economics, Cambridge University." Park Min Ho said calmly.

"Oh Guo Xuemin couldn't help but stretch out his thumb, "not bad. High intelligence crimes are popular now. "

"Officer Guo, as far as I know, I have not committed a crime." What one says is plausible. Pu Minhao, "even if I really commit a crime, you can only call me a suspect before the sentence is made."

"Good at law." Guo Xuemin boasted, "however, I just said that high intelligence crimes are popular now. I didn't say it was you."

"That's good." But I didn't seem to say that you said I was a criminal

"That's good." Guo Xuemin didn't seem to love such a war of words. He went into the next step early and said, "what's your age?"

"Twenty six." Park Min Ho said calmly.

"Excuse me, when I was in the shopping mall just now, why did the girl shout rude?" Guo Xuemin asked.

"She's playing with me." Park Min Ho turned to Luo Xiwei and said, "right, Wei Wei?"

Looking at Guo Xuemin's serious face, Luo Xiwei was scared to say "yes".

"What's her name?" Guo Xuemin asked Park minhao.

"Her name is Luo Xiwei." Park Min Ho replied.

Luo Xiwei quickly handed her ID card to Guo Xuemin.

Guo Xuemin looked at it and nodded with satisfaction.

"I don't think you should ask any more." Park Min Ho finally could not help saying, "otherwise, you call your director Zhang, let him ask me."

"Do you know director Zhang?" Guo Xuemin asked curiously.

"I'm good friends with him." Said Park Min Ho.

Guo Xuemin dialed the company's internal telephone, and soon heard the voice of director Zhang: "Park minhao is the son of an old classmate of mine, Pu Zhentian, and the son of the chairman of yanmiao group. I can guarantee with my personality that he will never commit any crime."

"Well, well, I'll let him go at once." Guo Xuemin put down the phone, put down his serious airs, and began to smile, "it turns out that you are a friend of director Zhang. It's disrespectful and disrespectful. I have just been transferred from other places. I don't know the situation of Jiangchuan city. I hope you can forgive me. President Park, you can leave here at any time. "

"Goodbye." Park Min Ho miserably dropped two words and took Luo Xiwei's hand and left here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!