Luo Xiwei is very satisfied with looking at herself in the mirror. She can't bear to leave for a long time.

Seeing Luo Xiwei hovering in front of the mirror, park Min Ho couldn't help getting up and walking behind Luo Xiwei.

Luo Xiwei looks at herself and park minhao in the mirror, just like a pair of golden girls. With this orange dress, Luo Xiwei felt that she could barely match the handsome Park minhao in appearance.

Luo Xiwei can't help but feel that the two people in the mirror are like princesses and princesses. She seemed to see two people walking into the palace of marriage with the wedding march. So pure and beautiful, let luoxiwei sincerely yearn.

Park Min Ho tilted his head forward slightly and said seriously, "do you think you are beautiful?"

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei wakes up from the fairy tale of Prince and princess. She looked at Park Min Ho with a red face No, just so. "

"Childish!" Park Min Ho straightened up, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth. "You can see that you haven't seen much of the world. Just now, you were obviously immersed in your own" beauty ". This suit is not good. Change it quickly. "

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei looked at herself in the mirror and didn't seem to feel anything wrong.

"Change it quickly. Do you want to dress like this to go to work?" Park Min Ho asked, "although this suit looks good and looks like a princess, it's not suitable for work, you know? There's too much lace. If you wear it to work, your colleagues will laugh at you

"Oh." Luo Xiwei finally understood the reason why Park Min Ho was not suitable. However, in that case, why did he choose such a dress for her to try on? Luo Xiwei was a little confused. She hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, "since it's not suitable for the workplace, why do you want me to try on this one? Didn't you just choose it for me? "

Park Min Ho's mouth slightly raised: "I'll help you choose this suit, just want to know how beautiful it will look on you." He waved to Luo Xiwei, "if you like, you can wear it to me at home."

Luo Xiwei's face began to be red again: "who wants to wear it at home for you to see!"

When the shopping guide heard this, it seemed that he had found something. However, she tried her best to cover up her inner doubts and handed the second dress to Luo Xiwei.

Looking at Park Min Ho nodding to herself, Luo Xiwei hesitantly took over the second set of clothes given to her by the shopping guide and quickly changed the second set of clothes.

However, in all the clothes, park Min Ho seems not very satisfied. Although Luo Xiwei thinks that every dress is very good-looking, park minhao can finally see that the orange dress is the best match for Luo Xiwei, who is pure in appearance. The dress up in the workplace is not very suitable for her.

However, in the end, park Min Ho chose three of the suits for her. When swiping the card, his eyes accidentally glanced at the orange dress, and without hesitation he took it under his command.

"Wrap these four sets for me." Park Min Ho ordered, "and, don't chew your tongue."

"Oh." The guide gently covered his mouth with his hand.

When Luo Xiwei changed her clothes in the fitting room and came out, park minhao had four sets of clothes in her hand.

"You chose the four sets for me." Park Min Ho said coldly.

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei was embarrassed, "but I didn't Not so much money. "

"I've paid." Said Park Min Ho.

"President Park, the total is 16890 yuan. Here is your card. Please keep it." The shopping guide handed the card back to park Minho respectfully.

What! 16890 yuan! For Luo Xiwei, such figures are astronomical! Don't say more than 10000, even if it's spending more than 1000 to buy clothes, Luo Xiwei has never been! Park Min Ho is so willful!

"This..." Luo Xiwei is really embarrassed, she does not want to be like this, "I don't need so many, one is enough."

"I've paid for it." Park Min Ho said as he went out, "can you let me give the other three to others?"

"Well When I get a job, I'll give you the money back. " Said Luo Xiwei very sincerely.

For him, it's just like a smile to him.

However, Luo Xiwei so determined to pay back the money attitude, but let Park Min Ho in the bottom of his heart more love luoxiwei a point. , the fastest update of the webnovel!