With her new clothes, high-heeled shoes and a bag, Luo Xiwei looks at herself in the mirror and finds that she is not only a princess, but also a queen. Now she looks so beautiful. Luo Xiwei never thought that she would be like this at the moment. It seems that she is completely transformed.

"Keep your head up and your chest up!" Park Min Ho told Luo Xiwei.

"Oh Luo Xiwei deliberately stood up straight and raised her head slightly. As expected, analogy was more temperament.

"Look deep." Said Park Min Ho.

"Ah? I'll try. " Luo Xiwei looked at herself in the mirror carefully, and her head was placed in the right position.

However, Luo Xiwei can see from the mirror that park minhao, standing behind her, is shaking her head all the time. It seems that she is not satisfied with her overall image.

"Can't you?" Luo Xiwei asked Park minhao anxiously.

Park Min Ho sighed heavily: "forget it."

"Look at it again!" Luo Xiwei didn't give up, and in a hurry, she put out some eye contact. However, these are only attractive in her own eyes. He is used to the charming eyes of professional women in the workplace. Park Min Ho really thinks that Luo Xiwei's eyes are too pale.

"Forget it." Park Min Ho was completely disappointed with Luo Xiwei's eyes. However, he didn't want to beat Luo Xiwei's confidence too much, so he comforted him, "it's normal that college students who have just graduated are like you, and their eyes are pale and weak. After years of playing in the workplace, your eyes will naturally be deep. "

"All right." Luo Xiwei said helplessly.

"If you have time, you can look for pictures of Audrey Hepburn online to see how her eyes look. It can be said that every man in the world will be attracted by her eyes Said Park Min Ho.

"Oh." Luo Xiwei obeyed, but she didn't understand why Park Min Ho said these things to her, "but even if I learned Audrey Hepburn's eyes and attracted all the men, so what?"

Park Min Ho stood beside him with a white eye and looked like a fool. Luo Xiwei said, "you are hopeless! To be frank with you, you can't learn it. You don't have her ability. If you really have her ability to attract all the men in the world, then you can call the wind and rain

"No way! I'm definitely not a woman who feeds on beauty Said Luo Xiwei firmly.

"Hum! Is our conversation on the same channel? Or did I cross it? " Park minhao looked at Luo Xiwei with disdain. "It's not a shame to eat by beauty. I'm afraid your beauty will not be of any use, or There is no beauty at all. "

Luo Xiwei's face turned red. In Luo Xiwei's mind, brain power and physical strength are the only two conditions that can rely on survival, and there is absolutely no third. Even if there is, it must be an irrational heresy.

However, park Min Ho felt that it was too difficult to communicate with Luo Xiwei in this respect. No matter how beautiful luoxiwei looks, she is just a little girl who is too conservative in her heart.

It's impossible to communicate. There's no cure.

"Let's go!" Park Min Ho opened the door. "It's time for me to go to work. It's time for you to attend the interview of yanmiao group

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