The interview room on the second floor was full of people. Luo Xiwei went in curiously, and the staff received them politely.

There are 15 minutes to go before the interview appointment. Luo Xiwei nervously took the form from the receptionist's hand and filled in the information carefully.

Luo Xiwei looked at all the people in the room. Everyone's clothes and clothes had their own styles. Some people, like Luo Xiwei's dress before, were full of the breath of students. Some people were just like the clothes of the professional elites. It seemed that they could be integrated into the huge yanmiao group. There was another person who was dressed up in fancy and full of youth The breath. Of course, what's more, they are not conspicuous or stereotyped. They give people a sense of workplace, but they can't see any difference in them. It seems that they all come from one place, giving people a very public feeling.

Luo Xiwei's dress is obviously outstanding, but few people pay attention to her dress. At most, she is surprised by her pure face. Most of the people are still too young, full of confidence in their own strength.

"Are you here for an interview, too?" A handsome boy came up to Luo Xiwei. He looked a little older than rothwig, and his manner was gentlemanly, and he looked polite.

"Yes." Luo Xiwei replied.

"I don't have a pen. Can you lend me your pen?" The boy is neither humble nor arrogant, with a little smile on his face.

"Yes." Luo Xiwei handed the black pen that had just completed the form to the boy. Boys "brush" to fill in the paper, the handwriting is profuse.

Luo Xiwei was watching, and was astonished. The boy's age is 25 years old, with a master's degree from Harvard University, majoring in computer science. Everything seems so unfathomable.

And look at their own Jiangchuan university undergraduate graduation conditions, it is a lot inferior. The girl sitting next to Luo Xiwei is also a master of Kyoto University, and the boy behind him is a doctor from one of the leading universities in China!

All of them have higher education than Luo Xiwei! What can I do? If you retreat in the face of difficulties, do you seem to be more sensible? But if so, how can he be worthy of Pu minhao's painstaking efforts? What's more, if the interview fails, maybe she can't help herself and become Park Minho's girlfriend soon!

But if you go up in the face of difficulties, will you look too high at yourself? Will the interviewer despise and even ridicule her? Will you be defeated in such a competitive interview? Did they all run away in the end? The more she thought about it, the more frightened she felt.

Thank you The boy filled in the information and returned the pen to Luo Xi.

Luo Xiwei smiles and caresses her long hair gently. The fragrance overflows.

"Hello, my name is Xue can." The boy reached out his hand.

"My name is Luo Xiwei." Luo Xiwei hands over her hand and gently shakes hands with Xue can.

"Nice to meet you." Xue can smiles slightly, showing a pair of neat white teeth. The smile is like the spring breeze. Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that such a smile could give her a good mood - because of his smile, she became less nervous than before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!