"Are you waiting for me?" Luo Xiwei went to park minhao and asked him in disbelief.

"Or else?" Park Min Ho stood there, puzzled.

However, after Luo Xiwei's death, Xue can, who originally wanted to invite Luo Xiwei for lunch, feels a little disappointed.

Xue can doesn't know Park Min Ho, but from the man's look at Luo Xiwei, Xue can can can see that the look is not ordinary. He just watched Luo Xiwei happily enter the elegant man's car and go away.

And the man's car is not simple. Xue can knows that his car is worth millions of yuan at a glance! Therefore, the elegant man who took Luo Xiwei out was definitely not an ordinary man!

Xue can's heart, which had been ready to move, recovered in a very fast speed. He looked at himself carefully and found that his economic strength was obviously inferior to that of others, which meant that his pursuit of luoxiwei would become more difficult and long!

Park Min Ho was humming merrily in the car, and his mood was particularly bright. So was Luo Xiwei.

"How about it? Did you pass the interview? " Park Min Ho asked happily.

"Yes." Luo Xiwei took out the mobile phone from the bag and handed it to park Min Ho, "thank you for your mobile phone."

A mysterious smile on Park Min Ho's face. He thought of the last night when he tried to call the personnel manager, trying to insert Rosanna into the team of interviewers, and felt proud. You know, yanmiao group has always been not a backdoor, even relatives and friends, also have to follow the normal process, and park Min Ho that strict father has always been not like others to climb into his company. Therefore, park Min Ho worked hard to come up with such a trick. He deliberately called Luo Xiwei today to let his assistant Luo song know that Luo Xiwei was inserted by Pu minhao, and there must be no mistakes.

In the end, it was obvious that park Min Ho had fulfilled his wish. He still remembers that Luo song just called his office phone and asked if President Park's mobile phone was lost, because he saw his mobile phone in other people's hands. But park Min Ho told him that he just lent his mobile phone to a girl surnamed Luo and didn't lose it. In this way, Luo song naturally understood everything. He understood Park Min Ho's intention to lend his mobile phone to Luo Xiwei and the reason why he suddenly called Luo Xiwei. Luo song is a man of Park Min Ho, and he will certainly do things according to his will. In the end, of course, park Min Ho succeeded.

Luo song knows Park minhao very well. He always keeps his mobile phone. He suddenly lends his mobile phone to such a woman, which shows that the relationship between this woman and him is extraordinary. However, park Min Ho always did not like to have a female secretary. He was the only assistant. This time, he offered to recruit a Secretary for the first time. There is no doubt that the most suitable person for the secretary position is Luo Xiwei.

Park Min Ho's minor hum is not bad, Luo Xiwei can hear that he is very happy.

"If you borrow my mobile phone, is it not wine that makes you drunk?"

"What do you say?" Park Min Ho pretended not to know, he wanted to know how much Luo Xiwei saw through.

"You didn't borrow my mobile phone for the convenience of contacting me. You didn't really want to invite me to dinner. You just wanted to take this opportunity to let the interviewer know that I know you, so as to employ me and open a back door for me." Said Luo Xiwei.

"Yes. You're right. " Park Minho did not deny that, "but this does not mean opening the back door. What I see is your strength. If you don't have the strength, even if you want to be hidden by me, I won't employ you. However, I still employ you even though you are not willing to be hidden, which shows that what I care about is your strength. "

"Strength? What strength do I have? " Said Luo Xiwei.

"You have a lot of potential. That's your strength. " Said Park Min Ho.

"But potential and strength are conflicting. If I have potential, it means that I have no strength at all. If there is a person with real strength, others will never think that he still has potential." Said Luo Xiwei.

"No. You're wrong. There are many people in the world who have both strength and potential, such as you and me. " He smiles mysteriously. "You'll find out later."

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