"I see you open the door of the room and come in." Park Min Ho said with a smile.

Luo Xiwei then remembered that she had just come out of bed when she opened the door, and then forgot to close the door. She patted her head in chagrin and looked at Park Min Ho awkwardly.

"What? As soon as you see me come in, you can't wait to jump on the bed? Luoxiwei, you ask me what I want to do. I'd like to ask you what you want to do? What's the meaning of this? Do you want to be my girlfriend now and do my duty? " Park Min Ho asked with a smile.

"Well thought!" Luo Xiwei wrapped her legs tightly with a quilt, "Park Min Ho, you don't want to touch me!"

"No way?" Park Min Ho sneered, "didn't you notice that the shirt you're wearing is mine?"

"You Luo Xiwei felt as if she had been humiliated for a while. "Did you change it for me?"

"You just said I don't want to touch you. But I want to tell you that Luo Xi Wei, when you are drunk and sleepy, will you not want to touch you? This is not your has the final say. Park Minho said haughtily.

"You Luo Xiwei angrily stares at Park minhao, "President Park, childe Park, uncle park! You are such a man that in broad daylight, you have drunk me, a weak woman who has no strength to tie a chicken. Then you take advantage of me when I am drunk and secretly help me change clothes! You say, what do you see? "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Park Min Ho burst out laughing. He laughed back and forth, so that luoxiwei once again felt that it was his contempt for her.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Xiwei asked with a little anger.

"Since you know in your heart that I helped you change your clothes, it's a big girl's family, but you still want to ask me what I saw. Luo Xiwei, do you really want to know? If you really want to know, I don't mind if I describe the process of changing your skirt into a shirt, and then tell you what I should not see in the process. As long as you listen, I don't mind. I'll tell you now. " Park Min Ho's face with an excited smile, let Luo Xiwei feel embarrassed.

"What a shame!" "Pa" to a sound, park Min Ho's face left a red palm print.

"You hit me Park Min Ho did not cover his face, a face seriously said to Luo Xiwei, "Luo Xiwei, you too have no conscience? When I saw that you were going to attend the job fair of Jiangchuan University, I took the initiative to ask my father to act as a speaker, and asked my father to replace the original speaker under pressure. Later, when you went to the group interview, I helped you choose clothes, bags and shoes, and helped you to complete such a perfect dressing match. For you, I set up the position of president secretary that I didn't need. During your interview, I hinted that Luo song would hire you. After the interview, I took you to my villa for dinner. Also, I asked you to rent my house the other day. Luo Xiwei, even if I'm not your benefactor, I can be regarded as your noble person. Is that how you treat your nobles? "

"I'll give you back what you bought for me. What's more, I'll pay you back sooner or later. But, park Minho, if you have any idea of me, I won't use myself to pay the debt because I owe you a favor! Park Min Ho, you've taken advantage of me and are still selling well. How do you like it? " Luo Xiwei was obviously angry.

"What a stupid woman Park Min Ho could not help but push Luo Xiwei's head, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Xiwei felt puzzled. What a strange man Park Min Ho is!

"Just for your amusement, how can I take advantage of you?" Park Min Ho's tone finally became gentle again.

Luo Xiwei looked at her shirt: "that dress..."

At this time, aunt Wu came in from the door with her belt in one hand: "Miss Luo, you are awake. It's summer. The laundry I helped you do at noon is dry now, so I folded it. Here you are. "

"Oh. Good. " Luo Xiwei took the belt from Aunt Wu's hand, but she was confused.

When Aunt Wu goes out, park Min Ho looks at Luo Xiwei with strange eyes.

"My clothes, she took to wash them?" Asked Luo Xiwei.

"Yes." Park Min Ho said, "she is aunt Wu. Like Liu Bo, she is also in charge of my villa. She changed your clothes for you

Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao in surprise: "then you just said..."

"I'm just kidding you!" Park Min Ho couldn't help pushing Luo Xiwei's head again. "I really didn't expect to have fun playing with you." Park Min Ho was rolling with laughter.

Park Min Ho Luo Xiwei reaches out to hit Park Min Ho, but park Min Ho flashes quickly and runs away smoothly.

Luo Xiwei was unconvinced. She stood up from the quilt and tried her best to chase him. However, Pu minhao did not hide this time. Instead, he laughed.

"I told you to laugh, I told you to laugh!" Luo Xiwei was very happy. Although she was puzzled by park Min Ho's laughter, she did not think too much about it."Luoxiwei, your legs are beautiful." Park Min Ho chuckled, "be careful when you hit me. My shirt is much shorter than your skirt."

Wei Li was scared into the nest again.

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