"Weiwei, don't worry. I'm in everything. I'll protect you." Park Min Ho once again patted her, giving her endless comfort.

"Thank you, Minho." Luo Xiwei's heart felt a trace of sweetness. In front of this man, really can give her endless warmth. However, it is not clear why, whenever Park Min Ho is good to her, another man always appears in her mind. That man, it's Jonah. He occupied her mind like a ghost all the time. Although she has already broken up, Luo Xiwei, with a strong sense of responsibility, every time she wants to have further development with Park minhao, the man always jumps out of her mind to stop her, as if that would make him sorry for jonai.

But luoxiwei and jonai have already broken up! Luoxiwei had to accept the fact that even though she thought she had forgotten the lovelorn, the fact told her that she still could not forget jonai. On the contrary, sometimes deliberately want to forget him, but on the contrary, more miss and nostalgia for him, nostalgia for a man who has abandoned her, split up!

How ridiculous it is!

But even though she knew that she was ridiculous, Luo Xiwei was still carrying out her own ridiculousness and had no idea of her own thinking. Love, always let her do not know what they are doing, let her forget themselves.

"Have a good sleep. Tomorrow, everything will disappear." Park Min Ho stood up and turned to leave.

"Well, I will." Luoxiwei road.

However, park Min Ho's heart has always been such a question: who is jonai? Although he knew he shouldn't ask, he knew clearly that if he didn't ask the truth today, I'm afraid I would lose sleep tonight. He took two steps and finally stopped. Turning around and facing luoxiwei, he asked softly and peacefully, "who is Jonah?"

"What?" Luo Xiwei originally planned to plunge into the quilt like this, but before she picked up the quilt, park minhao suddenly gave her such a difficult question to answer, which made her feel difficult. Finally, he asked the question, which made her face ache.

"I mean, who's jonet? Is that your boyfriend? " Asked Park Min Ho.

"No "It's my ex boyfriend," said Luo Xiwei, depressing her voice

A "no" originally gave Park Minho great hope, but the three words "ex boyfriend" were so harsh that he felt flustered. What does an ex boyfriend mean?

Park Min Ho knows that no matter what his ex boyfriend means, in short, he always remembers the name "jonai", and the name has deeply rooted in his heart, just as the name has also rooted in luoxiwei's heart. Although the two ways of taking root are different, they are totally different from each other's feelings.

"So, do you love him or hate him?" Park Min Ho asked without expression.

"I..." Luo Xiwei hesitated to speak. Luoxiwei herself did not know how she felt for jonet at the moment. It must be false to say that there is no hatred at all. However, as to whether love is greater than hate or hate is greater than love, even Luo Xiwei is confused.

Seeing Luo Xiwei so embarrassed, park Min Ho finally decided not to cross examine. He went to the door in silence, and still looked at her before leaving the room: "go to bed early, and go to work with me tomorrow."

"Oh." Luo Xiwei felt relieved and fell into the quilt she had ravaged for a long time.

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