"Weiwei..." Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei with all his heart and soul

"President Park, you don't need to explain." Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao with a dull face, "it's really not necessary."

"Weiwei, listen to me. I have nothing to do with her. She is rosang's sister, so she often comes to my office. She once confessed to me, and I refused. " Park Min Ho explained anxiously.

"President Park, if there is nothing wrong, I will study this document first. If you have any other orders, you can call me then. " Luo Xiwei said as she turned her head to leave.

"Vivie Luo Xiwei has just taken two steps. Park Min Ho takes a big step to catch up with her. His left hand was right on Luo Xiwei's right arm, which made Luo Xiwei's document fall to the ground.

Luo Xiwei just wanted to pick up the document and bent down slightly. Her hand had obviously avoided Park Min Ho's, but she didn't want his right hand to slide to her right arm after she bent down!

"My God Luo Xiwei couldn't help calling. She stood up straight with a red face, and park Min Ho's hand finally left her completely.

"Yes I'm sorry Park Min Ho repeatedly apologized, "I didn't mean to. You... "

Looking at the clear eyes of Park Wei, she seems to be afraid. She gently pinched the palm of her left hand and could already feel a slight tension.

Park Min Ho is not afraid of silk, but drum up courage to go to Luo Xiwei.

Luo Xiwei subconsciously stepped back two steps: "you What are you doing? "

"I'm not doing anything." Park Min Ho said as he approached Luo Xiwei, "but what do I want to do?"

"You What do you mean Luo Xiwei retreated two steps, her legs back to the sofa, but her body has been backward due to inertia, and finally the whole person sat down on the sofa.

Luo Xiwei's heart beat violently. He watched Park Min Ho approach her step by step. He didn't know what kind of action he would make next. A heart seems to be Chuai countless rabbits in general, plopping to jump.

"I mean, I won't do anything to you, but I really want to do something in my heart." Park Min Ho's head gradually approached Luo Xiwei and said with his mouth in front of her.

"I still don't understand what you mean." Luo Xiwei said frankly. Luo Xiwei, who was very nervous, didn't understand what Park Min Ho was talking about. Instinctively, she frowned and closed her eyes. She did not dare to look up at Park Min Ho.

But park Min Ho suddenly stopped at this moment. He carefully appreciated Luo Xiwei's face, which was pure and flawless. Because of the tension, the whole face was tense, just like a sheep in the tiger's mouth. She only wrote two words between her eyebrows: uneasy. Her whole body was stiff and not feminine at all. Nevertheless, park Min Ho still thinks that she is very cute.

She looks so weak! Park Min Ho gently took Luo Xiwei's hand with one hand and stroked her face with the other. He studied carefully and reversibly.

If he could, park Min Ho thought, he would like to look at her like this all his life.

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