"So it is." Luo Xiwei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the sense of remorse in her heart finally became less intense. But looking at the child so pitifully lying on the bed, I couldn't help feeling pity again.

"What's your name, little friend?" Park Min Ho was sure that the child's brain was clear, and began to ask.

"My name is AI Shouxin." The child looked childish and said very seriously.

"Ai Shouxin?" Park Min Ho was amused by the name. "It's a good name. Who helped you get this name? Did your father get it for you? "

"Mom took it." The child's face suddenly filled with sadness.

"I thought your father took it for you." Park Min Ho happily, "it seems that your mother is a very good woman."

"Well!" AI Shouxin nodded repeatedly, but his eyes were full of tears. After a while, a big eye drops down.

Luo Xiwei and Pu minhao looked at each other helplessly: "what's the matter, keep your promise? Why are you crying? "

AI Shouxin shook his head:" nothing. "

"By the way, do you know the phone numbers of your parents? I have to call them and let them see you in the hospital. You've got an accident. They must be worried. " Park Min Ho lifted the phone from his pocket.

AI Shouxin was suddenly silent. His eyes flashed at Park Min Ho and Luo Xiwei. Tears fell down: "they won't come."

"Why? No, keep your word Park Min Ho said firmly.

"My father's office is very busy. I can't see him all day long. He has many social activities every day. When he gets home every night, I have fallen asleep. When I get up, he has already gone to work. I only see him occasionally on weekends. I want to call him when I want him, he just perfunctorily a few words, will not pay more attention to me AI Shouxin innocently wiped the tears on his face, filled with grievances and could not be suppressed. "When I was in kindergarten, I fell off the slide again and entered the hospital. It was Mr. Fang who sent me to the hospital and accompanied me all day. She called my father more than ten times to get through. After that, my father told me to come to see me after work in the evening

"And your mother? Your mother named you trustworthy, which shows that she is a person who takes integrity seriously. Such a person must be a good person and even more a good mother. " Park Min Ho said, "even if dad doesn't have time to come, mom will come."

"Mom and dad are divorced and I don't want her to worry." AI Shou channel, "she works very hard alone, I don't want to give her any more trouble."

"Keep your word, you are such a good child. Mother will be very pleased to know that you are so sensible." AI min touched the letter deeply.

"Divorced?" Luo Xiwei was a little shocked.

"My mother, who was married by my father last year, is about the same age as my sister. When she is at home, she never talks to me." AI Shou channel.

"My God Luo Xiwei's heart of compassion sprouted even more powerful. Looking at Ai Shouxin that a pair of crying wet round big eyes, her eyes, also wet.

"No wonder no one makes breakfast for you as soon as the nanny leaves." Park Min Ho said, "however, keep your word, you still tell me your father's phone number, I still want to call him, even if he is not free now, I believe he will come after work."

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